Class of 2011

Carolina Abrew
Libre University Sectional Cali
Loma Linda University, Hanford Kings (County) Residency Program
Carolina was born in Bogota, Colombia and received her medical degree from Libre University Sectional Cali, Colombia. During her last year in medical school, Dr. Abrew worked in an urban family clinic where she was involved in providing care for low-income families living in violent neighborhoods. This experience convinced Dr. Abrew of the need for well trained family physicians who could care for patients of every age, gender and social background in the community. After graduation in 2008, she moved to the United States to pursue U.S. medical licensure.
Dr. Abrew was selected as a UCLA IMG Program B-Clinical Sciences scholar in 2010 with advanced standing. She successfully completed Program C-Clinical Observership in December, 2010 and is currently assisting other program scholars practice and prepare for USMLE CS exam. As she begins her internship year in June, 2011, Dr. Abrew will join former program graduate Patricia Cabrera, MD (2010) at Hanford Family Practice Residency in serving the rural communities in the central valley.

Iliana Aguila
Alberto Masferrer University
Kaiser Permanente Fontana Family Medicine Residency Program
Iliana was born and raised in El Salvador; she received her medical and surgical training from Alberto Masferrer University (USAM) in San Salvador in 2006. At graduation, she received the Academic Excellence Award given by the Salvadoran Medical Association. After completing her internship Dr. Aguila worked as a general practitioner at Sensuntepeque Hospital for approximately one year prior to coming to the U.S.
Iliana was selected as a UCLA IMG Program B-Clinical Sciences scholar with advanced standing in 2009. After completing Program C-Clinical Observership, she competed and earned a position at UCLA's Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention as a Research Associate for SEARCH I (Screening, Evaluating and Assessing Rate Changes); a study for diagnosing respiratory conditions in primary care.
Dr. Aguila has selected a career in Family medicine because of her determination to make a meaningful difference in the lives and health of the multicultural population in California. In June, 2011 she will be joining Kaiser Permanente's Fontana Family Medicine Residency Program.

Allan Aguiluz
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras
California Medical Center/USC Family Medicine Residency Program
Allan was born and raised in Honduras, where he attended the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras. After graduation in 2007 he moved to the United States to pursue U.S. medical licensure.
Dr. Aguiluz was selected as a UCLA IMG Program scholar with advanced standing in 2010; he completed the Program C-Clinical Observership module of the program in June, 2010. During this time, he served as an associate instructor for the Medical Spanish Elective Course at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and has assisted his peers to prepare and practice for the USMLE Clinical Skills examination.
In June, 2011, he will join UCLA IMG program graduates Alejandra Rodriguez, MD (2008), Maria Cristina Acosta, MD (2009), Alma Reyes, MD (2010), Xiomara Vlahos, MD (2010), Rafael Nunez, MD (2010) and Johana Flores, MD (2010) in serving the central city in Los Angeles, CA at the California Medical Center/USC Family Medicine Residency Program.

Sanjuana Castillo
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
California Medical Center/USC Family Medicine Residency Program
Sanjuana was born in a small rural community of Mexicali, Mexico about two hours south of the border. Dr. Castillo attended medical school at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali campus. She completed her year of Social Service in a small agricultural community of 7,000 inhabitants in Sonora, Mexico where her responsibilities include providing comprehensive medical care and health care education to the community. Upon graduation in July of 2005, she moved to the U.S., and enrolled in ESL studies at Los Angeles Southwest College in February of 2006.
Dr. Castillo was accepted to the UCLA International Medical Graduate Program in 2008. She successfully completed all three program modules: Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences and the Clinical Observership in 2010. She is currently studying to take USMLE Step 3 and will begin her three year residency training at California Medical Center/USC Family Medicine Residency Program that serves the central city of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Castillo will join former UCLA IMG graduates Alejandra Rodriguez, MD (2008), Maria Cristina Acosta, MD (2009), Alma Reyes, MD (2010), Xiomara Vlahos, MD (2010), Rafael Nunez, MD (2010) and Johana Flores, MD (2010) in June, 2011.

Ower Castro
San Martin De Porres University
Pomona Valley Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program
Ower was born and raised in Lima, Peru. He attended San Martin De Porres Faculty of Medicine, where he was awarded a scholarship for academic excellence, and graduated in 2006. Soon after completing his internship, Dr. Castro moved to the U.S. in California to join his family and began volunteering in medical office in Pomona, CA to gain exposure and learn about the U.S. healthcare system.
In August 2008, he was admitted to the UCLA IMG Program A-Basic Sciences and completed Program C-Clinical Observership in 2010. Currently, he is studying for the USMLE Step 3 and assists his fellow UCLA IMGs participants prepare and practice for USMLE Step 2-Clinical Examination. Dr. Castro will be joining the Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program, a UCLA affiliated program in Pomona, CA in June 2010. Together with past UCLA IMG program graduates, Victor Castilla, MD (2010) and Luciana Yacomotti, MD (2010), Dr. Castro will be serving the diverse community in Pomona, CA.

Victor Delgado
San Martin de Porres University
Natividad Medical Center (Salinas-Monterey County Hospital/UCSF) Family Residency
Victor was born in Lima, Peru. After graduating from San Martin de Porres University, in 2006, Dr. Delgado elected to perform his year of Social Service in the jungle of Peru. One of his biggest challenges as a general practitioner was delivering health care to a population of whom the majority had never before seen a doctor. He faced a new culture and families who were hard to approach. This daunting yet very rewarding experience consolidated his desires of becoming a family physician.
In 2008, he immigrated to the United States looking for residency training in Family Medicine. He was admitted into the UCLA IMG Program A-Basic Science in February, 2009 and successfully advanced and completed the two remaining program modules—Clinical Sciences and the Clinical Observership in 2010. In June 2011, he will begin internship at Natividad Medical Center Family Residency Program in Salinas, CA; a University of California San Francisco affiliated program. Together with his UCLA IMG colleague, Dr. Herbert Estiu, Dr Delgado hopes to open new opportunities for future UCLA IMG program graduates to care for the underserved communities in the Central Coast of California.

Miguel Dorantes
Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexicali
Kern County Medical Center/Bakersfield
Miguel was born in Michoacán, México. He immigrated to the U.S. at age 23 to work in the family construction business in East Los Angeles. Later, he became a U.S. citizen, obtained a California Contractor's license and started his own business. Having a life-long interest in Medicine, he switched careers and applied to the University of Baja California School Of Medicine in northern México in 1999. During his Social Service year, he focused on providing comprehensive medical care and health education to underserved communities by implementing the Preventive Care Program "Oportunidades" funded by the Mexican government. After 7 years of medical school training and completion of his Social Service year, he graduated in 2006 with an honorary award for outstanding achievement on the National Board Examination.
Dr. Dorantes successfully completed all three UCLA IMG Program modules—Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences and the Clinical Observership. While in the program, he actively tutored fellow IMG scholars for the Step 2 Clinical Skills examination. Further, he served as an associate instructor for the Medical Spanish Selective Course at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and is preparing for the USMLE Step 3 examination. In June, 2011, Dr. Dorantes along with his UCLA IMG colleague, Dr. Victor Salazar, will be the first UCLA IMGs to join Kern Medical Center's Family Medicine Residency Program in Bakersfield, CA.

Herbert Estiu Sánchez
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba
Natividad Medical Center (Salinas-Monterey County Hospital/UCSF) Family Residency
Herbert was born in Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, and grew up in San Luis, a small town near Santiago de Cuba. He received his medical school degree in 2006 from the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. Subsequently, he earned the highest academic excellence award in Cuban medical schools: "Título de Oro" (Golden Degree). Because of his strong academic performance in medical school, he was selected for a newly combined residency-training program in Family Medicine and Ophthalmology in La Habana. After fourteen months of residency training, the Cuban government appointed him to be part of a joint health program between Cuba and Venezuela that provides free corrective eye surgery in extremely poor Venezuelan communities. After seven months of providing free medical care in Venezuela, he sought political refugee status at the U.S. embassy and was granted a permit to settle in the U.S. Dr. Estiu settled in Kentucky and became certified as a nursing assistant. While working and learning advanced English, he studied and passed USMLE Step 1 within a year and a half of arriving to the U.S.
Soon after passing USMLE Step 1, Dr. Estiu learned about the UCLA IMG Program and applied for Program B-Clinical Sciences; he was admitted in January, 2010. Subsequently, he successfully advance to and completed Program C-Clinical Observership in November, 2010. Dr. Estiu will begin his three year Family Medicine Residency training at Natividad Medical Center Family Residency; a University of California San Francisco affiliated program Program in June, 2011. Together with his UCLA IMG colleague, Dr. Victor Delgado, Dr. Estiu hopes to open new opportunities for future UCLA IMG program graduates to care for the underserved communities in the Central Coast of California.

Oscar Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Fresno County Medical Center/UCSF Family Medicine Residency Program
Oscar was born in Sinaloa, México and grew up in San Ignacio, a small rural town near the mountains of Sinaloa. Despite being faced with personal difficulties, he never gave up on his medical career and received his medical degree in 2003 from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. After graduating medical school, he worked as a physician at the City Hall Clinic in San Ignacio providing medical care to more than 300 employees and their families. He also educated the elderly about chronic illness care.
After moving to the U.S., Dr. Hernández worked as a Medical Assistant in a medical clinic in East Los Angeles that allowed him to learn about the U.S. health care system. He was accepted into the UCLA IMG Program in 2010 and successfully completed Program B-Clinical Sciences and Program C-Clinical Observership modules of the program. He is currently an active member of Flying Doctors of Mercy-Fresno chapter; a non-for-profit organization that flies to a rural town in Mexico to provide free medical care to underserved communities on a monthly basis. In June, 2011, Dr. Hernández will begin his internship at the University of California San Francisco-Fresno Family Medicine Residency Program where he will be joining former program graduates, Nidia Payan, MD (2009), Cira Welvaert, MD (2009), Mileidys Gomez-Gonzalez, MD (2009), and Carlos Yoo, MD (2010) providing care in the underserved rural communities of California.

Calvin Lambert
University of Montemorelos
Glendale Adventist Family Medicine Residency Program
Calvin was born and raised in a country known by many as "the bridge of the world"&macute;Panama, the grandchild of Jamaican immigrants. He then chose to study medicine in Mexico, and graduated from the University of Montemorelos in 2006. Calvin subsequently worked as a General Practitioner for two years in an inner city clinic in Monterrey, Mexico before moving to the United States in 2008 to begin preparing for the U.S. Medical Board exams.
After independently studying for and passing the USMLE Step 1, Calvin applied to the UCLA IMG Program and was accepted into Program B-Clinical Sciences in January 2010. Dr. Lambert looks forward to working with California's underserved communities. In June, 2011 he will be the first ULCA IMG program graduate to join Glendale Adventist Family Medicine Residency Program.

Raul Reyes
Autonomous University of Baja California Mexicali School of Medicine
UCLA Family Medicine Residency Program
Raul was born and raised in the border town of Mexicali, Mexico. He received his medical degree in 2009 from the Autonomous University of Baja California-Mexicali campus and received an honorary award for top score in the National Board of Medical Examiners in Mexico. After competing his internship, he moved to California and applied to the UCLA IMG program. He successfully completed the three program modules: Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences and the Clinical Observership.
Dr. Reyes is currently studying for USMLE Step 3 and looking forward to taking advantage of his bicultural background and bilingual skills to provide sorely needed medical care to underserved areas of California. Dr. Reyes will be joining former program graduates, Francisco Campabadal, MD (2007), Blanca Campos, MD (2008), Selene Lozano, MD (2009), and Ricardo Manuel, MD (2010) at UCLA's Family Medicine Residency Training Program in June, 2011.

Victor Salazar Castillo
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Kern County Medical Center/Bakersfield Family Residency Program
Victor was born and raised in Guatemala. He received his medical school degree in 2002 from the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. After graduating medical school, he was admitted into a surgery residency in one of the best hospitals in the capital city of Guatemala. During his two years as a resident, he trained in stabilizing trauma victims, worked in the intensive care unit, and performed elective surgeries in the disciplines of Neurosurgery, Pediatrics and Vascular Surgery, learning both clinical medicine as well as the importance of values in everyday life. With guidance from his residency program mentors, Dr. Salazar decided to come to the U.S. to pursue advanced training in Family Medicine.
In 2010, he successfully completed the UCLA IMG Program, having advanced from the UCLA IMG Program A-Basic Science, to Program B-Clinical Science, and most recently in August 2010, to Program C—the 12-week Clinical Observership. During this time, he is studying for USMLE Step 3 while assisting his colleagues practice and prepare for the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills examination. In June, 2011 Dr. Salazar, along with his UCLA IMG program colleague Dr. Miguel Dorantes, will be the first UCLA IMGs to begin their three year Family Medicine training at Kern Medical Center's Family Residency Program in Bakersfield.

Betzy Salcedo
Juarez University of the State of Durango
UCLA Family Medicine Residency Program
Betzy was born and raised in Torreon, Mexico. She completed medical school at the Universidad Juarez Del Estado de Durango, Gomez Palacio. After 5 years of medical school and one year of internship, she decided to complete her year of Social Service in Leon Guzman, Durango; a rural community of 3500 people. As the only doctor in that community, she had the opportunity not only to provide primary care, but also to teach patients preventive medicine. Upon completing her Social Service year, she received her medical school degree in 2008. Soon after, she came to the United States to join her husband a teacher in El Monte, CA. For 6 months, while taking Advanced English as a Second Language classes at El Monte-Rosemead Adult School, she studied for the USMLE Step 1 Exam.
Dr. Salcedo was selected as a UCLA IMG Program scholar in July, 2009. She successfully completed all the program modules—Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences and the Clinical Observership. Currently, she is studying for USMLE Step 3 and enjoys helping other UCLA IMG participants practice for the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills examination. Moreover, she continues to volunteer facilitating communication between the medical team and Spanish speaking patients at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center's Adult Medical Walk-In Department. In June, 2011, Dr. Salcedo will begin her three year Family Medicine training at UCLA's Family Medicine Residency program. She will be joining former graduates, Francisco Campabadal, MD (2007), Blanca Campos, MD (2008), Selene Lozano, MD (2009), and Ricardo Manuel, MD (2010).