Nurturing the families of our patients

Family Support Brochure

Family support is important to a patient's healing, and we recognize that having a loved one in the hospital can be a difficult time for you. Our staff is here to help support you as you support your loved one during this time. Volunteers in our Family Outreach Program are available to offer you comfort and support while your family member is hospitalized.

Services Provided

Harp Service
Enjoy soothing music in our beautiful lobby. Harp Service is held twice monthly in the main lobby. Contact Volunteer Services for the next scheduled date at 424-259-8180. To schedule a harpist to play for your loved one at the bedside, call 424-259-8160.

Concierge Service
Located on the ground floor at the Information Desk of our main entrance, the service provides assistance with local restaurants, stores, transportation, hotel accommodations, religious services, etc. A Welcome Ambassador is available to assist you Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm

Family Comfort Care Kits
Kits including water and snacks, a notebook and pen, among other items, are distributed daily to palliative care patient's families (one per family, please).

Wireless Internet
Wi-Fi access is available throughout the hospital. Stop by the Information Desk in our main lobby to obtain a user name and password.

Crossword Puzzles, Sudoku, Playing Cards and Magazines.
Call Volunteer Services at 424-259-8180 Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm to ask for one of these items.

People Animal Connection (PAC)
Volunteers with People-Animal Connection will bring a trained canine friend to visit with patients and their families. Visits with a comfort animal
have been shown to relieve stress and contribute to healing. To request a visit, call Erin Rice at

Spiritual Care
An interfaith Chapel/Meditation Room is available for private prayer and meditation 24 hours a day. It is located on the A level in the Merle Norman Pavilion.

Tips for Caregivers

  • Caregiving is a job. Reward yourself with breaks often.
  • Watch out for signs of depression, and don't delay in getting professional help when you need it.
  • When people offer to help, accept the offer and suggest specific things that they can do.
  • Educate yourself about your loved one's condition and how to communicate effectively with doctors.
  • There is a difference between caring and doing. Be open to technologies and ideas that promote your loved one's independence.
  • Trust your instincts. Most of the time, they will lead you in the right direction.
  • Caregivers often do a lot of lifting, pushing and pulling. Learn the proper techniques and be good to your back.
  • Grieve for your losses, and then allow yourself to dream new dreams.
  • Seek support from other caregivers. There is great strength in knowing you are not alone.
  • Stand up for your rights as a caregiver and a citizen.

People come to us when they are most vulnerable. With our foundation of outstanding academic and community medicine, cutting-edge technologies and first-rate facilities in Westwood and Santa Monica, we pledge to treat every patient who enters our hospitals as we would a member of our own families.

Frequently Called Numbers

Concierge Desk

Information Desk

Interpreter Service
424-259-8531 or
pager number 93144

Gift Shop

Palliative Care

Patient Affairs

Social Services

Spiritual Care

Volunteer Services