Aurelia Nattiv, MD
- Family Medicine|
- Sports Medicine
Dr. Aurelia Nattiv is a Professor in the UCLA Departments of Family Medicine, Division of Sports Medicine and Non-Operative Orthopaedics, and in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. She has served as the Director of the UCLA Metabolic Bone and Osteoporosis Center for over 20 years, and sees patients in the areas of osteoporosis across the lifespan, and sports medicine, with an emphasis on women's sports medicine. Dr. Nattiv's primary areas of research and publications have been in the area of the female athlete triad (disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis), as well as stress fracture risk factors and prevention, and osteoporosis management. She speaks nationally and internationally, and publishes extensively in these areas. Dr. Nattiv received her medical degree at Washington University School of Medicine and completed her residency in Family Medicine at the Sonoma County Community Hospital in Santa Rosa, California. She received her sports medicine fellowship training at the UCLA Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Program, and has been an integral faculty member for the fellowship training program over the last two decades.
In addition to serving as a team physician for the UCLA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics since 1994, Dr. Nattiv has served as a team physician and consultant for USA Track and Field, USA Gymnastics and the United States Olympic Committee. Dr. Nattiv has served as Chair and first author of the American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand on the Female Athlete Triad and has also co-edited a book entitled The Female Athlete. She has served as an elected member of the Board of Directors for the
, as well as two terms for the . She currently serves on the editorial board for the British Journal of Sports Medicine, and reviewer for multiple journals.Languages
Medical Board Certifications
- Super doctors, Southern California, 2024
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2022 - 2024
- Top Doctors, Los Angeles Magazine, 2018
Related Clinical Trials

Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
Medical Services
Research Papers
Peer Reviewed
- Nattiv A, Puffer J: Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes. J Fam Pract 33(6): 585-590, 1991.
- Nattiv A, Mandelbaum B: Injuries and special concerns in female gymnasts-detecting, treating and preventing common problems. Phys Sports Med 21(7): 66, 1993.
- Yeager K, Agostini R, Nattiv A, et al: Commentary - The female athlete triad: disordered eating, amenorrhea, osteoporosis. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25(7): 755, 1993.
- Nattiv A, Agostini R, Drinkwater B, et al: The female athlete triad: inter-relatedness of disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis. Clin Sports Med 13(2): 405-418, 1994. (Also published with permission in: USA Gymnastics 1994 National Congress Proceedings Book. Nashville, TN: 37-41, August 1994).
- Nattiv A, Lynch L: The female athlete triad: managing an acute risk to long-term health. Phys Sports Med 22(1):60-68, 1994.
- Nattiv A: Controversies in Sports Medicine: Should women with eating disorders be allowed to participate in athletics? Sports Medicine Digest, 17(4): 1-4, 1995.
- Nattiv A, Armsey T. Stress injury to bone in the female athlete. Mandelbaum B, Knapp T. (eds). Clin Sport Med 16(2): 197-224, 1997.
- Joy E, Clark N, Ireland ML, Martire J, Nattiv A, Varechok S. Team management of the female athlete triad. Roundtable. Part 1: What to look for, what to ask. Phys Sports Med 25(3):94-110, 1997.
- Joy E, Clark N, Ireland ML, Martire J, Nattiv A, Varechok S. Team management of the female athlete triad. Roundtable. Part 2: Optimal treatment and prevention tactics. Phys Sports Med 25(4):55-69, 1997.
- Nattiv A, Puffer J, Green G. Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes-a multi-center study. Clin J Sport Med 7(4): 262-272, 1997.
- Nattiv A. Osteoporosis: Its prevention, recognition and management. Family Practice Recertification. 20(2): 17-41, 1998.
- Nattiv A. Stress fractures and bone health in track and field athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 3(3):268-279, 2000.
- Sands WA, Hofman MG, Nattiv A: Menstruation, disordered eating behavior, and stature: A comparison of female gymnasts and their mothers. International Sports Journal 6(1):1-13, 2002.
- White SC, Atchison KA, Gornbein JA, Nattiv A, Paganini-Hill A, Service SK, Yoon DC. Change in mandibular trabecular pattern and hip fracture rate in elderly women. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 34:1-9, 2005.
- Loucks AB, Nattiv A. Essay: The female athlete triad. Lancet 366 Suppl 1:S49-50, 2005.
- Paganini-Hill, A, Atchison KA, Gornbein JA, Nattiv A, Service SK, White SC. Menstrual and reproductive factors and fracture risk: the Leisure World Cohort Study. J Women’s Health 14(9): 808-819, 2005.
- White SC, Atchison KA, Gornbein JA, Nattiv A, Paganini-Hill A, Service SK. Risk factors for fracture in older women: the Leisure World Cohort Study. Gender Medicine 3(2): 110-123, 2006.
- Nattiv A [Chair], Loucks A, Manore M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Warren M. The American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand on the Female Athlete Triad. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39(10): 1867-1882, 2007.
- Touhy J, Nattiv A. Iliac stress fracture in a male collegiate track athlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports 7(5): 252-254, 2008.
- Siris, E., Baim, S., Nattiv A. Primary care use of FRAX: Absolute fracture risk assessment in postmenopausal women and older men. Postgraduate Medicine 122 (1): 82-90, 2010.
- Ascenzi, M-G, Hetzer N, Lomovtsev A, Rude R, Nattiv A, Favia A. Variation of trabecular architecture in proximal femur of postmenopausal women. Journal of Biomechanics 44 (2):248-256, 2011.
- Goolsby M, Barrack M, Nattiv A. Case of a female adolescent runner with a displaced femoral neck stress fracture. Sports Health. Published online before print Dec 2011. July/Aug 4(4): 352-356, 2012.
- Arends J, Cheung M, Barrack M, Nattiv A. Restoration of menses with nonpharmacologic therapy in collegiate athletes with menstrual disturbances: A 5 year retrospective study. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab Apr: 22(2):98-108, 2012.
- Sugi MT, Sheridan K, Lewis L, Nattiv A, Kado DM, Bengs B. Active referral intervention following fragility fractures leads to enhanced osteoporosis follow-up care. Journal of Osteoporosis, vol 2012: 1-6, 2012.
- Nattiv A, Kennedy G, Barrack M, Abdelkerim A, Goolsby M, Arends J, Seeger L. Correlation of MRI grading of bone stress injury with clinical risk factors and return to play: A 5 year prospective study in collegiate track and field athletes. Am J Sport Med, 41:1930-1941, August 2013, published online before print Jul 3, 2013.
- Gibbs JC, Nattiv A, Barrack MT, Williams NI, Rauh MJ, Nichols JF, De Souza M. Low bone density is higher in exercising women with multiple Triad risk factors. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2014 Jan; 46(1):167-176, published online before print June, 2013.
- De Souza M, Nattiv A., Joy E, Misra M, Williams N, Malinson RJ; Gibbs JC, Olmstead M, Goolsby M, Matheson G. 2014 Female Athlete Triad Consensus Statement on Treatment and Return to Play of the Female Athlete Triad. Br J Sport Med Feb 2014; 48: 289; and Clin J Sport Med, 24(2): 96-119, Mar 2014.
- Barrack MT, Gibbs JC, De Souza M, Williams NI, Rauh MJ, Nichols JF, Nattiv A. Higher incidence of bone stress injury with increasing female athlete triad risk factors: A prospective multi-site study of exercising girls and women. Am J Sport Med, April 2014, published online before print Feb 2014.
- Joy L, De Souza M, Nattiv A, Misra M, Williams N, Malinson RJ; Gibbs JC, Olmstead M, Goolsby M, Matheson G. A Summary of the 2014 Female Athlete Triad Consensus Statement on Treatment and Return to Play of the Female Athlete Triad: Curr Sports Med Rep. July/August. Vol 13 (4), 2014.
- Fowler E, Rao S, Nattiv A, Heberer K, Oppenheim WL. Bone density in premenopausal females and men under 50 years of age in patients with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil;96(7):1304-9, July 2015.
- Tenforde A, Barrack MT, Nattiv A, Fredericson M. Parallels with the female athlete triad in male athletes. Sports Med; Published online before print, October 2015.
- Kim, BY, Nattiv A. Health concerns of the female runner. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Amer; Feb 23:27(1):151-78, 2016.
- Joy E, Kussman A, Nattiv A. 2016 update on eating disorders in athletes: a comprehensive narrative review with focus on clinical assessment and management. Br J Sports Med;50:154–162, 2016.
- Green G, Nattiv A: Abuse and addiction: alcohol and street drugs. In: Mellion M (ed): Sports Medicine Secrets. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia: 156-161, 1994.
- Nattiv A, Katz-Stryer B, Mandelbaum B: Gymnastics. In: Agostini A (ed): Medical and Orthopedic Issues of Active and Athletic Women. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia: 378-387, 1994.
- Nattiv A, Yeager K, Drinkwater B, et al: The female athlete triad. In: Agostini A (ed): Medical and Orthopedic Issues of Active and Athletic Women. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia: 169-174, 1994.
- Nattiv A, Arendt E: Female athletes. In: Orthopedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Rosemont, Illinois: 361-366, 1994.
- Mandelbaum BR, Nattiv A. Gymnastics. In: Reider B (ed) Sports Medicine The School Age Athlete (Second Edition) W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia: 453-470, 1996.
- Nattiv A, Arendt E, Riehl R,: The female athlete. In: Zachezewski J, Quillen S, Magee D (eds): Athletic Injuries and Rehabilitation. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia: 841-851, 1996.
- Nattiv A, Parham W. Sports Psychology. In: Sallis RE (ed): ACSM Essentials of Sports Medicine, Mosby, Chicago: 169-178, 1996.
- Nattiv A, Parham W. Sports Psychology. In: Sallis RE (ed): ACSM Sports Medicine Review, Mosby, Chicago: 76-77, 1996.
- Nattiv A, Ireland ML. The female athlete. In: Safran M, Vancamp S, McKeag D (eds): Washington University Manual of Sports Medicine. Little Brown and Co., Boston: 171-83, 1998.
- Green G, Nattiv A. Abuse and addiction: alcohol and street drugs. In: Mellion M (2nd Edition): Sports Medicine Secrets. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia: 159-164, 1999.
- Hecht S, Nattiv A. Gymnastics and the female athlete triad. In: The Athlete Wellness Book. USA Gymnastics, Indianapolis, IN, 1999.
- Nattiv A. Sports specific injuries: track and field. In: The IOC Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine: Women in Sport. Blackwell Scientific, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 470-485, 2000.
- Nattiv A, Arendt E, Hecht S. The female athlete. In: Garrett WE, Squire D (eds): The Textbook of Sports Medicine. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia: 93-114, 2001.
- Nattiv A. The female athlete triad. In: Garrett WE, Lester GE, McGowan J, Kirkendall DT (eds.): Women in Sports and Exercise. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, Illinois, 461-465, 2001.
- Fulton K, Nattiv A. Menstrual Dysfunction. In: Puffer JC (ed.): Twenty Common Problems in Sports Medicine. McGraw-Hill, New York, 269-286, 2001.
- Nattiv A, Callahan L, Kelman-Sherstinsky. The female athlete triad. In: Ireland ML, Nattiv A. (eds): The Female Athlete. Saunders/Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, 223-236, 2002.
- Lai A, Nattiv A. Hamstring Strain. In: Bracker MD (ed): The Five Minute Sports Medicine Consultant. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Publishers, 184-185, 2001.
- Green G, Nattiv A. Abuse and Addiction: Alcohol and Street Drugs. In: Mellion MB, Putukian M, Madden CC (3rd Edition): Sports Medicine Secrets. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia: 197-203, 2003.
- Hecht S, Nattiv A. Diving and the Female Athlete Triad. In: USA Diving Coaching Safety and Education Manual, USA Diving, 2007.
Letters to the Editor
- Nattiv A., Manore M. Response. ACSM Female Athlete Triad Position Stand. Med Sci Sports Exerc;40 (3):589, 2008.
- De Souza M, Williams N, Nattiv A., Joy E, Misra M, Barrack MT, Nichols J, Olmstead M, Gibbs J, Malison R, Goolsby M, Matheson G et al. Misunderstanding the Female Athlete Triad: Refuting the IOC Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome in Sport paper. Editorial. Br J Sport Med, October 2014; 48(20): 1461-1465; Accepted on-line, June 2014.
- Ireland ML, Nattiv A. (eds). The Female Athlete. Saunders/Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, 2002. [Book Reviewed in New Engl J Med 349(8):819, 2003].
Book Reviews
- Nattiv A. On: Women and Exercise: Physiology and Sports Medicine, Shangold MM and Mirkin G, authors, F.A. Davis Co., 1988; Clin J Sport Med 4(3):202, 1994.
- Nattiv A. Commentary to: Khan KM, Liu-Ambrose T, Sran MM, Ashe MC, Donaldson MG, Wark JD. New criteria for female athlete triad syndrome? Br J Sports Med;36:1073, 2002.
Published Abstracts
- Nattiv A, Puffer J: Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes. Abstract. Med Sci Sports Exerc Suppl. 23(4), 1991.
- Nattiv A, Green G: Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes by sport. Abstract. Med Sci Sports Exerc Suppl 25(5):S148, 1993.
- Nattiv A, Rousch M: Bone mineral density in collegiate gymnasts with menstrual dysfunction. Abstract. Proceedings from the Second Annual Meeting of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Sun Valley, Idaho, 1993.
- Nattiv A, Chung C, Kabo JM, Seeger L: Bone cross sectional geometry using DEXA of tibia. Abstract. Proceedings from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1997. Clin J Sport Med 16(2): 318-319, 1997.
- Hecht S, DiFiori JP, Nattiv A. Wrist Pain in a Gymnast with Primary Amenorrhea. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31(suppl 5):S285, 1999.
- Nattiv A, Fulton K. A multi-disciplinary approach for enhancement of self-esteem through athlete education. Clin J Sport Med 10(4):314, 2000.
- Nattiv A, Puffer JC, Casper J, Dorey F, Kabo MJ, Hame S, Fulton K, Finerman GA. Stress fracture risk factors, incidence and distribution: a 3-year prospective study in collegiate runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc 32(suppl 5):S347, 2000.
- Nattiv A, Abdelkerim A, Andrews C, Seeger L, Hecht S, Puffer JC. Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Predict Clinical Outcome in Track and Field Athletes with Bone Stress Injury. Clin J Sport Med 11(4):294,2001.
- Nattiv A, Casper J, Abdelkerim A, Dorey F, Hecht S, Puffer JC. Female track athletes are at increased risk for stress fractures. Med Sci Sports Exerc 34(suppl 5):S157, 2002.
- Abdelkerim A, Nattiv A, Dorey F, Hecht S, Puffer JC. Low bone density is predictive of prolonged recovery in track athletes with bone stress injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc 34(suppl 5):S134, 2002.
- Nattiv A, Abdelkerim A, Casper J, Dorey F, Puffer JC. Recurrent stress fractures in track and field athletes: A 5 year prospective study of prevalence, skeletal distribution and risk factors. Clin J Sport Med:12(5):324, 2002.
- Casper J, Nattiv A. Resumption of menses with non-pharmacological management in amenorrheic athletes. Clin J Sport Med 16(5), 439-440, 2006.
- Zaslow T, Nattiv A. Effects of long-distance running in children 10-14 years-old. Clin J Sport Med 17(5):418, 2007.
- Goolsby M, Nattiv A, Casper J. Predictors for stress fracture incidence and rate in male and female collegiate track athletes: a prospective analysis. Clin J Sports Med 18:188, 2008.
- Touhy J, Nattiv A. A prospective analysis of tibial stress fracture incidence, distribution and risk factors in collegiate track athletes. Clin J Sport Med 18: 188, 2008.
- Ascenzi M-G, Hetzer N, Mac A, Lomovtsev A, Rude R, Nattiv A, Favia A. New link between trabecular properties and T-score at the human femur. ASBMR 30th Annual Meeting. Abstract #SU281: 312, 2008.
- Sugi M, Sheridan K, Ha E, Nattiv A, Kado DM, Bengs B. Patients sustaining fragility fractures are unaware of their osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res 2009, 24(S1): S453.
- Goolsby M, Nattiv A. Prospective analysis of physiological measures in amenorrheic and oligomenorrheic collegiate athletes compared to eumenorrheic controls in response to a nutritional intervention. Clin J Sport Med 20 (2):136-165, 2010.
- Florczyk D, Gillespie H, Nattiv A. A prospective study of injury patterns and risk factors for injury in female collegiate swimmers. Abstract. Clin J Sport Med, 2012.
- Barrack M, Nattiv A, Giacomazzi C, Barrack F. Diet patterns, anthropometric measures, bone density and injury among male adolescent runners and non-runner athletes. Abstract 3374. MSSE, 2012.
- Kim BY, Barrack M, Bell K, Nattiv A. Effects of a comprehensive, school-based nutrition intervention on body composition in female high school volleyball players. Abstract. Clin J Sport Med, 23:134, March 2013.
- Gibbs J, Nattiv A, Barrack MT, Williams NI, Wagstaff A, Rauh MJ, Nichols JF, De Souza MJ. Evaluation of female athlete triad-related factors to identify low bone mineral density in exercising women. Abstract. MSSE, 2013.
- Barrack MT, Gibbs JC, De Souza MJ, Williams NI, Nichols JF, Rauh M, Nattiv A. Bone stress injury and relationships between single and combined female athlete triad risk factors. Abstract. MSSE, 2013.
- Daniels, E, Nattiv A, Fredericson M, Kim B, Tenforde A, Oliver, B, Stein M, Barrack M. Disordered eating status and nutrient intake among male and female collegiate endurance runners. Abstract. ACSM Southwest Chapter Meeting, 2014.
- Barrack M.T., Fredericson M, Kim BY, Tenforde AS, Kraus E, Daniels E, Stein M, Nattiv A. Evidence of energy deficiency and low carbohydrate intake among male and female elite collegiate endurance runners. Abstract. ACSM Southwest Chapter Meeting, 2014.
- Kraus E, Nattiv A, Tenforde A, Kim B, Barrack MT, Kussman A, Fredericson M. Retrospective analysis of the incidence and distribution of bone stress injuries over three years in division I male and female collegiate distance runners. Abstract. MSSE, 2015.
- Kim B, Kussman A, Barrack M, Singh S, Tenforde A, Kraus E, Fredericson M, Nattiv A. Does baseline functional movement screen TM (FMS) score predict risk of bone stress injury in NCAA division I distance runners? A one-year prospective study.
- Kim B, Kraus E, Fredericson M, Tenforde A, Singh S, Kussman A, Barrack MT, Roche M, Nattiv A. Vitamin D status is inversely associated with time lost to bone stress injury in a cohort of NCAA division I distance runners. Abstract. MSSE, 2016.
- Kraus E, Kim B,Fredericson M, Tenforde A, King D, Nattiv A. Higher cumulative risk assessment scores are associated with a delay in return to play in division I collegiate distance runners. Abstract. MSSE, 2016.
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