Open Actively Recruiting

Virtual Reality for GI Cancer Pain to Improve Patient Reported Outcomes


Brief Summary

Patients with digestive tract malignancy often experience severe and unremitting abdominal pain that negatively affects physical, emotional, and social function, as well as health related quality of life (HRQOL). Therapeutic virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising and evidence-based treatment modality for cancer pain. Users of VR wear a pair of goggles with a close-proximity screen in front of the eyes that creates a sensation of being transported into lifelike, three-dimensional worlds. To date, VR has been limited to short-term clinical trials for cancer pain. Moreover, limited research exists on theory-based VR modalities beyond mere distraction, such as VR that employs acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) with components of biofeedback and mindfulness. To bridge these gaps, this study seeks to: (1) assess the impact of immersive VR on patient-reported outcomes (PROs), including pain, activity metrics, and opioid use among patients with visceral pain from a digestive tract malignancy; (2) assess differences in PROs, activity metrics, and opioid use between skills-based VR therapy vs. distraction VR therapy; and (3) determine patient-level predictors of VR treatment response in visceral cancer pain.

To address these aims, the study will measure PROs and opioid use in 360 patients randomized among 3 groups and follow them for 60 days after enrollment: (1) an enhanced VR group receiving skills-based VR; (2) a distraction-based VR group receiving patient-selected VR videos; and (3) a VR sham control group using a VR headset with 2-D content. The results will inform best practices for the implementation of VR for visceral cancer pain management and guide selection of patient-tailored experiences.

Primary Purpose
Supportive care
Study Type
Phase 2


Healthy Volunteers
Minimum Age
18 Years
Maximum Age
99 Years

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Have a primary malignancy of the biliary tract, colon, liver, pancreas, peritoneum, rectum, small intestine, or stomach, with no plan for resection during the study period
  • Tumor types including, but not limited to, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumors, and tumors of mesenchymal origin will be eligible
  • Have clinically significant visceral pain, measured using the standardized NIH PROMIS GI Pain Scale defined as scoring at least 5 points above the nationally normed score
  • Ability to read and write in English

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Have a condition that interferes with VR usage, including but not limited to seizures, facial injury precluding safe placement of headset, and visual impairments
  • Have cognitive impairment that affects protocol participation. This will be done with a three part cognitive assessment during the initial phone call to assess eligibility followed by consent discussion if eligible.
  • Have brain metastases
  • Have a prognosis of <3 months from the time of enrollment per treating oncologist

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Study Stats
Protocol No.
Other Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Erinn Knox
For Providers
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