Church Lab

Researching the bidirectional interactions between the brain and the gut in shaping health and disease

Illustration of brain and gut
Arpana Gupta, PhD

About Us

Dr. Church’s research aims to bring a systems biology-based, comprehensive understanding of the pathophysiology underlying human obesity and the cluster of obesity-related conditions known as metabolic syndrome.

Now streaming on Netflix

Dr. Church participates in this informative Netflix documentary that demystifies the role gut health plays in our overall well-being.

Hack Your Health - Netflix
Little boy crying

Environmental Influences

Psychosocial, cultural and environmental challenges, such as adverse childhood experiences, acculturation, neighborhood safety, family environment, and socioeconomic status heighten stress-related biological and behavioral pathways that increase the vulnerability to disease-promoting behaviors.

Latest News


Feeding the lonely brain

A new UCLA Health study has found that women who perceive themselves to be lonely exhibited activity in regions of the brain associated with cravings and motivation towards eating, especially when shown pictures of high-calorie foods such as sugary foods. The same group of women also had unhealthy eating behaviors and poor mental health. 

Little boy crying

The association between disadvantaged neighborhoods and cortical microstructure and their relation to obesity

According to newly published research in Nature, living in a disadvantaged neighborhood can affect food choices, weight gain and even the microstructure of the brain.

mood stress

Your gut microbes may influence how you handle stress

A new UCLA Health study, led by Arpana Church, PhD, has found that resilient people exhibit neural activity in the brain regions associated with improved cognition and regulating of emotions, and were more mindful and better at describing their feelings. The same group also exhibited gut microbiome activity linked to a healthy gut, with reduced inflammation and gut barrier.