AI in Healthcare

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Elevating Health Care Through AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have fundamentally changed the landscape of health care delivery and clinical research. These technologies offer extraordinary opportunities for health care providers to enhance patient care, streamline operations and optimize patient outcomes.

UCLA Health advances innovation while focusing on safety and transparency

At UCLA Health, we recognize the vast potential of AI and its ability to enrich the care we deliver to our patients. We also understand concerns about AI safety and the potential risks of AI. Our team is committed to maximizing the benefits of AI while protecting our patients’ privacy and well-being.

With these goals in mind, UCLA Health has joined other thought leaders and innovators. We are working together to establish policies and develop strategies that help us use AI responsibly and ethically to improve our patients’ health. We know that transparency and accountability are vital to building trust among our patients.

UCLA Health is dedicated to using AI in compliance with industry standards. As always, we aim to deliver the highest quality care to each patient. 

UCLA Health AI Panel

UCLA Health Data Day

UCLA Health Data Day is an annual symposium hosted by UCLA Health Information Technology and UCLA Center for SMART Health to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing for those with an interest in data, analytics, and AI. The in-person event at the Luskin Conference Center features keynotes, speakers, and an announcement of the Hearst Health Prize. Technologists showcase the organization’s data and compute assets to help stakeholders develop novel applications in various disciplines across the health sciences.

What are AI and ML?  

Artificial intelligence uses machines to perform tasks that typically require a human mind to complete. These tasks include:

  • Thinking and reasoning 
  • Learning and adapting
  • Making recommendations
  • Predicting outcomes 
  • Solving problems

AI technologies are often able to perform these tasks more quickly and efficiently than human minds. But all AI tools require input and oversight from humans to work.

Machine learning (ML) is a type of AI. It analyzes large amounts of data and detects patterns within the data. Machines use these patterns to make predictions and classifications. For example, meteorologists use ML to process data and identify patterns that help them forecast the weather.

The UCLA Health AI Council offers guidance and oversight 

As part of our commitment to using AI ethically and responsibly, our team established the UCLA Health AI Council (HAIC). This group includes UCLA Health leaders, doctors and IT experts. We work together to provide guidance, oversight and strategic direction. Our goal is to help all UCLA Health team members integrate AI into our health care system. Learn more about the HAIC.