Sports Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury Program
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to learn more about our exceptional pediatric neurology services.At UCLA, our approach to traumatic brain injury (TBI) is three-pronged. We provide clinical care, pursue both clinical and basic science research, and are involved in community outreach and education. We have a multidisciplinary approach to sport-related concussion and pediatric TBI. UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT Program focuses on concussions sustained during athletics and recreation, but sees pediatric TBI of all severities and mechanisms of injury. SPORT stands for Sports concussion Prevention Outreach Research and Treatment program. In addition to our comprehensive concussion assessments and clinical care program, we provide participating local schools with pre-participation neurological assessments. We provide evidence-based management of concussions and mild TBI based on the , the , and the International Concussion in Sport Group recommendations. Our comprehensive clinic includes neurology, neuropsychology, sports medicine, dietician, and occupational therapists. We provide care for children with all severities of traumatic brain injury, and any persistent neurological and/or cognitive issues including headache, school difficulties, seizures, etc. Our patients can receive comprehensive neurological exams and/or brief pencil and paper neuropsychological testing with a licensed neuropsychologist. For our athletes, we also provide computerized neurocognitive testing at baseline and follow-up. Our treatment protocols include a variety of therapeutic programs, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, sub-threshold exercise rehabilitation, and assistance with return to cognitive and physical activity.
We also offer educational sessions for the community-at-large, athletic trainers, school administrators, and other physicians in both small-scale lectures and large symposia.
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Appointments & Referrals - Phone: (310) 825-0867
Administrative Office & Information - Phone: (310) 825-6196
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