“The doctor said, ‘There’s nothing else we can do,’ but my daughter said, ‘We want a new heart,’” says 70-year-old Sarah Hopkins, whose congestive heart failure had her in and out of the hospital. “I heard UCLA Health was a great hospital, so I called and made an appointment. From the moment we saw Dr. Martin Cadeiras, it was like it was meant to be. That weekend my heart just wasn’t functioning and UCLA Health said, ‘Come to the hospital right now.’ They admitted me on May 1st and I never went home until I got my heart transplant on May 27th. This is the greatest hospital there is. You get the best care and you’re not just a number. You feel it everywhere, from the technicians when you go to get a biopsy to the nurses always trying to make things better for you. Everybody is so kind.”
Meant to Be