"Happily Ever Laughter," featuring comedians July Gold, Cathy Ladman, Steve Mittleman and Wendy Liebman, with host Bill Riback, is an event to raise money for ovarian cancer research conducted by Dr. Sanaz Memarzadeh in her G.O. Discovery lab at UCLA.
7 p.m. on Sunday, April 27
The Comedy Store
8433 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, Calif. 90069
This event is put on by the nonprofit Ovarian Cancer Circle/Inspired by Robin Babbini, founded by Paulinda Babbini to honor the memory of her daughter Robin, who died of ovarian cancer at age 20. A co-captain of her cheerleading squad and homecoming queen, Robin was diagnosed at 17 with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She had a total hysterectomy, followed by chemotherapy. She was able to complete her classes at Pacific Hills High School in West Hollywood, graduate and begin her freshman year at UC Santa Barbara. The cancer returned six months later and had spread to other organs. She died in 2006.
Tickets are $75 each, plus a two drink minimum. They can be purchased here, by calling 323-842-8100 or by emailing [email protected].