Dr. Sara A. Hurvitz is the recipient of the 2023 European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Breast Cancer Award for her remarkable contributions to breast cancer clinical and laboratory-based research. Dr. Hurvitz is a professor of medicine, co-director of the Santa Monica-UCLA Outpatient Oncology Practice, Medical Director of the Clinical Research Unit of the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA and Director of Breast Oncology.
Since joining the faculty at UCLA, Hurvitz has gained international recognition as an academic expert in breast oncology. She not only has active clinical practice, but also extensive experience designing and leading first-in-human through phase-III clinical trials. In addition to her expertise in the clinical development of novel therapeutics, Hurvitz also has been extensively involved in laboratory-based research, having been awarded several government-funded basic science projects. Hurvitz is committed to the translation of basic laboratory science into innovative clinical testing and the movement of important clinical questions into the laboratory. Her understanding of both bench and bedside makes her uniquely positioned to lead the successful translation of new discoveries into the clinical realm.
Sara A. Hurvitz will deliver her award lecture on Thursday, 11 May at the .