Complete thyroidectomy and adjacent lymph nodes

I had an endocrinologist, Dr. Jelena Maletkovich, who suspected I had thyroid nodules. I had a sonogram. A second sonogram showed more calcified nodules. The fine needle aspirtation done by Dr. Yaroslav Gofnung showed Bethesdda level 5 pathology report 65-70% possibility of malignancy. The diagnosis was papillary thyroid carcinoma. Subsequent to that I was referred to Dr. Livhits and she did another sonogram that showed the possibility of lymph node involvement so then I decided to follow her recommendation for surgery and so she and Dr. Yeh performed the thyroidectomy, They removed the entire thyroid and adjacent lymph nodes. 4 out of 6 which showed to be cancerous. I had surgery at Ronald Reagan Hospital. I was there a couple of days the treatment was excellent. The surgery itself did not cause much pain. Two weeks post surgery I had my follow-up appointment and the steri-strips removed. A had a sore throat from the intubation by the anesthesiologist and the problems with my urethra caused by the catheter. Next month I have to go on a special diet and take special injections to prepare any possibly remaining thyroid cells to absorb the iodine.