My son Josiah was born with a complex congenital heart defect in 1991. We were told he would have to wait for his surgical repair due to age and the complexity of the repair. Thanks to the wisdom of our local Pediatric Cardiologist in San Bernardino, Dr Sin, he pointed us to Dr Laks at UCLA for those repairs. Josiah had a four stage correction by age four, and a redo at age 13. When we went for his second surgery (a right unifocalization), I was worried of course. I had a dream that Dr. Laks came into the room to meet us, and that he regarding Josiah as his own child. I knew it meant that he treats his patients as if they were his own children, and then my fears were relieved. Long story short, Josiah had so many ups and downs, and complications, but Dr. Laks did such a great repair! Josiah is now 27 years old and has had 14 years of heart health! He is approaching a possible redo as his gradient has increased. Time will tell. But I we will travel from Nebraska for any further repairs needed. Thanks to our Superhero, Dr. Laks!