Research & Publications
The UCLA Department of Care Coordination and Clinical Social Work values and promotes education, professional development, research and publications to advance clinical social work practice.
Social Work research does not depend solely on research methodology but relies on a combination of practice knowledge and research methods. This partnership results in comprehensive research that is responsive to the needs of patient and families in the ever changing context of healthcare, communities and the systems that social workers serve. These practices also allow for social works to evaluate the effectiveness of social work methods and interventions.
The Department of Care Coordination and Clinical Social Work provides research material and patient education for social worker through the
.In addition to the strong clinic work within UCLA Health, several of our Clinical Social Workers have contributed to research projects and various other publications. The following are several of these publications:
- Becker's Hospital Review (2021) - How 3 Health Systems Are Handeling Discharges During the Pandemic - Director Mary Noli-Pilkington featured -
- (2020) - Care Coordinators Go By Many Names and Wear Many Hats -
- Katrina Dela Cruz (2020) - "Implementation of SAFE Care: Evaluation of a Geriatric Model for Real-World Practice" - Geriatric Nursing Journal.
- Mary Noli Pilkington: (2020) - System Director Pop health Podcast
- Mary Noli Pilkington: Featured in: Voice of Nursing Leadership - September 2020 Best Practices in Pandemic Response
- Gina Kornfeind: (July 2020) Featured on NPR KQED San Fransisco "FORUM" - Speaking on Grief and Loss to become more "Grief Literate".
- Codie Lieto: Co-Author, Advance Care Planning: Opportunities for Clinical Social Work Leadership, Clinical Social Work Journal, May 28, 2019
- Mary Noli Pilkington: Co- Author a Natural Partnership: Case Managers and Hospitalists Collaborate to Make Powerful Improvements, Journal of Collaborative Case Management, May/June 2012
- Amy Madnick: Changes at the Dinner Table and Beyond: Nourishing Our Patients Throughout the Trajectory of Their Cancer Journey, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, August 2017
- Mary Noli Pilkington: Co Presenter, Aging 2.0 Optimize, San Francisco, CA November 14-15, 2017
- Mary Noli Pilkington: Panelist, Readmission Prevention Collaborative: USC C – Suite Invitational California Endowment Center 2016, 2017
- Mary Noli Mary Noli Pilkington: Author/Presenter National Case Management Conference NICM/ACM 2010, 2011, 2017
- Mary Noli Pilkington: Speaker/Panel Observation Summit/World Congress/Chicago April 2014
- Colone, M.A. (2010). Observation Service: Getting It Right, Special Report, CMSA Publication.
- Colone, M.A. (2010). Introducing Motivational Interviewing in a Care Coordination Department, CASEINPOINT Weekly. CMSA Publication.
- Colone, M.A. (2010) Advancing the Care Plan: Using High Intensity Escalation as a Strategic Intervention, CASEINPOINT Weekly. CMSA Publication
- Colone, M.A. (2010) Advancing Care, Truth, Escalation: An Interview, CASEINPOINT Weekly. CMSA Publication.
- Eloed, Judy: Boles, R. G., Burnett, B. B., Gleditsch, K., Wong, S., Guedalia, A., Kaariainen, A., Eloed, J., Stern, A. and Brumm, V. (2005), A high predisposition to depression and anxiety in mothers and other matrilineal relatives of children with presumed maternally inherited mitochondrial disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 137B: 20-24.
- Gewirz, Shiraz: Interview in the March 2011 Edition of UCLA Healths' Vital Signs in "Providing Support in Every Way" regarding her work as an LCSW in the Inpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Unit.
- Hayes, Nancy (2003). Hospital SCAN (Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect) Team Models in Strachan Peterson, MPA, MSW, Marilyn and Durfee, MD, Michael (eds) Child Abuse and Neglect, Guidelines for Identification, Assessment, and Case Management. Volcano, CA: Volcano Press.
- Hersh-Rifkin, Mara (2009). The Psychosocial Aspects of Dialysis Therapy in Kallenback, Judith Z, et al, Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Hersh-Rifkin, Mara (2005). The Psychosocial and Financial Aspects of Kidney Transplantation in Danovich, Gabriel M Handbook of Kidney Transplantation. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. 7th Edition.
- Stewart, Peggy: Member of the Editorial Board for Progress In Transplantation - The Journal for Procurement and Clinical Transplant Professionals since 2005. Ms. Stewart also acts as a contributing researcher since 2003 for the National Association of Liver Transplant Social Workers (NALTSW).