Jeannette (Jeannie) Meyer

Specialty: Palliative Care
Professional Governance: Evidence-Based Practice Council - Chair, Research and Innovations Council
Hospital Affiliation: Health System
Abstracts/ Presentations
Advance Care Planning with the Homeless Population of Santa Monica and Venice. CSU Shiley Haynes Institute for Palliative Care. San Marcos, CA. April 2022. (Poster)
“Hearing their Voice”: Advance Care Planning for the Homeless. Annual Cultural Inclusion Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 2022. (Podium)
Rising Above: Quality End of Life Care on a Specialized Comfort Care Unit. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference. Baltimore, MD. March 2022. (Podium)
Meyers, J., Chambers, M.B. See My Suffering: Utilizing the DisDat ™ Tool to Identify Suffering in Developmental Delay. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference. March 2022. (Podium)
LAHSA Palliative Care and Hospice 101 Training: a collaborative presentation to share information about Hospice, Palliative Care and Advance-Care Planning with Multiple Homeless Resource teams throughout UCLA. May 3, 2021. (Podium)
Meyers, J., Chambers, M.B. See My Suffering: Utilizing the DisDat ™ Tool to Identify Suffering in Developmental Delay. 2021 NACNS Conference. March 11, 2021. (Podium)
Building a Chapter: HPNA Chapter. Leadership Meeting 2020. November 13, 2020. (Podium)
Beyond Pain. HPNA National Practice Webinar. August 27, 2019. (Podium)
Meyers, J., Lawanson-Nichols, M. Beyond the ICU: Utilizing IMPACT ICU Strategies for Multiple Settings and Disciplines. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference Orlando, FL. March 9, 2020. (Podium)
Identifying “Triggers” for prompt palliative care consults in the broad-spectrum critical care setting. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference. Austin. TX. February 2018.(Podium)
Palliative Care: A Cloak of Many Colors. San Diego's 2nd Annual Palliative Care Conference. 2017. (Podium)
“Comfort Care Beds": an Innovative Strategy to Provide Optimal End-of-Life Care. The International Relationship-Based Care Symposium. 2017. (Podium)
Beyond Pain: Dealing with Complex Symptoms in the Dying patient. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses NTI. 2017. (Podium)
Not just for the Dying: Palliative Care in the Progressive Unit. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses NTI. 2017. (Podium)
Meyers, J., Ferolito, M., Pain Screening in the Delirious Patient. NICHE Conference. 2017. (Podium)
Cortez, D. & Meyer, J. (2022). Hearing their Voice: Advance Care Planning for the Homeless. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 34(1), 57–65.
Meyer, J. (2020). Palliative Care in the Emergency Department and Critical Care Unit in C. Dahlin, L.T. Moreines, et al. (Eds.), Core Curriculum for the Hospice and Palliative APRN (3rd ed).
Meyer, J. (2020). Caring for the Individual in the Critical-Care Unit: Core Curriculum for the Hospice And Palliative APRN published by HPNA, 6
2021 Drivers of Change Award - Clinical Nurse Specialist Team, UCLA Health, CENTER
2019 - ongoing: Palliative Nursing Champions groups under CNS mentorship have been launched in Neuro ICU, Transplant ICU and Geriatrics settings and are expanding into Medical/Surgical units. These groups are directly improving Palliative and End of Life patient care and sharing their fantastic work at a local, state and national level.
2017 - ongoing: Hearing their Voice: Advance Care Planning for the Homeless has now given out more than 600 Advance Directives and collaborates with the UCLA Homeless Outreach Van to meet the healthcare needs of homeless patients in real time.
2017 - ongoing: IMPACT educational presentations: CNS provides role play education for nurses in multiple ever-expanding practice areas, using individualized scenarios to allow nurses to practice difficult patient conversations and Goals of Care meetings.
- Expansion of my Palliative CNS Services across two campuses, including CNS Consults, Education, collaborative practice in project development and the development of a Palliative Champions group in a Neuro ICU unit.
- Focus on nursing Goals of Care Discussions through the IMPACT educational program, which promotes nursing empowerment through effective communication and gives voice and documentation of nursing contributions to Goals of Care conversations.
- Multiple Homeless and Community outreach programs, including "Hearing their Voice: Advance Care Planning for the Homeless" and "Hospice Under the Bridge", a community collaborative that promotes compassionate End of Life Care for dying homeless patients.