Clinical Instructor Toolkit

Effective Communication

Medication Administration 

  • Pyxis MedStation Attestation Form 
    • Please submit this paperwork to the department only if you require access to perform medication administration with your student(s). 

Orienting your Students to the Clinical Environment 

  • Scavenger Hunt 
    • Utilize this handout for a fun way to get your student(s) familiar with their environment during their clinical/practicum 

Student Injury on UCLA Health Facility 

  • Escalation and Notification
    • Follow School Handbook policies for notifying faculty and/or program lead
    • On your unit/department: notify the primary RN/preceptor and charge nurse 
  • Blood Exposures Only: students will follow the same steps as an employee laid out on the following forms: 
  • Occupational Health (310) 825-6771 Option 5