Dr. Szilagyi is a pediatric health services and clinical researcher with an overall mission to improve access to healthcare, quality of care, and health outcomes for children. He has focused his research on improving the delivery of healthcare in primary care and other settings in three related areas: immunization delivery, healthcare financing, and improved care for children with chronic diseases. His immunization delivery studies have led to national recommendations for vaccine financing, evidence-based strategies in primary care to raise immunization rates, a renewed focus on HPV vaccinations and influenza vaccinations, and use of technology to improve immunization delivery. His studies on healthcare financing for children contributed heavily to the passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP, now known as CHIP) in 1998, the SCHIP reauthorization debate in 2008, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA), and the recent reauthorization of CHIP in 2015. In collaboration with many others, his studies on common chronic diseases of childhood and adolescence have contributed to improved management, care coordination, and building of medical homes to improve the care of children with chronic conditions such as asthma, mental health, behavioral, and developmental conditions, and childhood obesity. His work has extended far beyond academics - he has advised CDC on immunization strategies, advised federal and state policy-makers on health insurance for children, and has been appointed to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC), a prestigious organization that advised Congress and the Secretary of Health and Human Services about Medicaid and CHIP. He is also a national leader in pediatric education, particularly in training academic general pediatric fellows and in building the field of health services researchers. In 2016 he was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) which makes recommendations about vaccinations for the nation's child, adolescent and adult population.
Contact Information: PSzilagyi@mednet.ucla.edu
Medical Board Certification
- December 2014: Appointed by US Comptroller General as one of 17 Commissioners of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
- November 2011 John C. Robinson, MD Lecture, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
- October 2010: Pediatric Alumnus Award for Research, Rochester, NY
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Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital
Medical Services
Areas of Focus
Dr. Szilagyi is a pediatric health services and clinical researcher with an overall mission to improve access to healthcare, quality of care, and health outcomes for children. He has concentrated his own research on improving the delivery of healthcare in primary care and other settings in three related areas: immunization delivery, healthcare financing, and improved care for children with chronic diseases. His immunization delivery studies have led to national recommendations for vaccine financing, evidence-based strategies in primary care, to raise immunization rates, a renewed focus on HPV vaccinations and influenza vaccinations, and use of technology to improve immunization delivery. His studies on healthcare financing for children contributed heavily to the passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program in 1998, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization debate in 2008, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, and the recent reauthorization of CHIP in 2015. In collaboration with many others, Dr. Szilagyi's studies on common chronic diseases of childhood and adolescence have contributed to improved management, care coordination, and building of medical homes.
Publications in Immunization Delivery:
- Szilagyi PG, Bordley C, Vann JC, Chelminski A, Kraus RM, Margolis PA, Rodewald LE. Effect of patient reminder/recall interventions on immunization rates: A review. JAMA. 2000;284(14):1820-7. PMID: 11025835.
- Szilagyi PG, Schaffer S, Shone L, Barth R, Humiston SG, Sandler M, Rodewald LE. Reducing geographic, racial, and ethnic disparities in childhood immunization rates by using reminder/recall interventions in urban primary care practices. Pediatrics. 2002 Nov;110(5):e58. PMID: 12415064.
- Szilagyi PG, Humiston SG, Gallivan S, et al. Effectiveness of a Citywide patient immunization navigator program in improving adolescent immunizations and preventive care visit rates. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011 Jun;165(6):547- 53. PMID: 21646588.
- Szilagyi PG, Albertin C, Humiston SG. et. al. A randomized trial of the effect of centralized reminder/recall on immunizations and preventive care visits for adolescents. Academic Pediatrics. 2013 May-Jun;13(3):204-13.PMID: 23510607.
Key Publications in Health Care Financing and Policy:
- Szilagyi PG, Humiston SG, Shone LP, Barth R, Kolasa MS, Rodewald LE. Impact of vaccine financing on vaccinations delivered by Health Department Clinics. Am J of Public Health. 90:739-745, 2000. PMID: 1446228.
- Szilagyi PG, Shone LP, Holl JL, Rodewald LE, Jennings J, Zwanziger J, Mukamel DB, Trafton S, Dick AW, Barth R, Raubertas RF. Evaluation of New York State’s Child Health Plus: Methods. Pediatrics. 105:e697, 2000. PMID: 10699147
- Szilagyi PG, Shenkman E, Brach C, LaClair BJ, Swigonski N, Dick AW, Shone LP, Schaffer VA, Col JF, Eckert G, Klein JD, Lewit EM. Children With Special Health Care Needs Enrolled in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Patient Characteristics and Health Care Needs Pediatrics. 112:e508-e520, 2003. PMID: 14654673
- Szilagyi PG, Dick AW, Klein JD, Shone LP, Zwanziger J, McInerny T. Improved Access and Quality of Care After Enrollment in the New York State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Pediatrics. 113(5): e395–404, 2004. PMID: 15121980
- Poehling KA, Edwards KM, Weinberg GA, Szilagyi PG, et al. The under-recognized burden of influenza illness in young children. New England Journal of Medicine. 355(1): 31-40, 2006. PMID: 16822994.
- Shone LP, Klein JD, Blumkin AK, Szilagyi PG. Upper Income Limit for SCHIP and Foregone Care Among uninsured US Children. “Health of the Nation Issue”. JAMA. 300(16):1882-1884, 2008. PMID: 18940974
- Szilagyi PG, Rand CM, McLaurin J, et al. Delivering adolescent vaccinations in the medical home: a new era? Pediatrics 2008;121 Suppl 1:S15-24. PMID: 18174317.
- Szilagyi PG, Schuster MA, Cheng TL. The scientific evidence for child health insurance. Academic Pediatrics. 9(1):4-6, 2009. PMID: 19329084.
- Szilagyi PG. Health insurance and children with disabilities. Future of Children. Spring 2012. 22(1). 123-148. PMID: 22550688
Key Publications in Education/Training:
- Baldwin CD, Dreyer BP, Szilagyi PG, Bell LM, Baker RC, Cheng TL, Coury DL, et al. Academic General Pediatric Fellowships: Curriculum Design and Educational Goals and Objectives. Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2007 Sep- Oct;7(5):328-39. PMID: 17870640.
- Baldwin CD, Szilagyi PG, Dreyer B, Bell L, Baker C, et al. Strengthening the Academic Base of General Pediatrics Fellowship Programs: A National Program and Curriculum Development Project. Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2007 Sep- Oct;7(5):340-7. PMID: 17870641.
- Szilagyi PG, Haggerty RJ, Baldwin CD, Paradis HA, Foltz JL, Vincelli P, Blumkin A, Cheng TL. Tracking the careers of academic general pediatric fellowship program graduates: academic productivity and leadership roles. Academic Pediatrics. 2011 May-Jun;11(3):216-23. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2011.02.005. PMID: 21570006.
- Bickley LS, Szilagyi PG. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. Lippencott. 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2016.
Key Publications in Translational Science:
- Szilagyi PG. Translational Research and Pediatrics. Academic Pediatrics. 2009 Mar-Apr;9(2):71–80. PMID: 19329097.
- Huskins WC, Sullivan CD, Wang J, …, Szilagyi PG, Purucker M, Barkin SL. Tracking the Impact of the National Institutes of Health CTSAs on Child Health Research: Developing and Evaluating a Measurement Strategy. Pediatric Research. 2012 May;71(5):619-24. PMID: 22398699. PMCID: PMC3582389.
- Szilagyi PG, Shone LP, Dozier AM, Newton GL, Green T, Bennett NM. Evaluating community engagement in an academic medical center. Academic Medicine. 2014 Apr;89(4):585-95. PMID: 24556768. PMCID: PMC4028444.
- Gibson K, Szilagyi P, Swanger CM, Campbell T, McInerny T, Duckett J, Guido JJ, Fiscella K. Physician Perspectives on Incentives to Participate in Practice-based Research: A greater Rochester practice-based research network (GRPBRN) study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2010 Jul-Aug;23(4):452-4. PMID: 20616287.PMCID: PMC30000687.
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- December 2014: Appointed by US Comptroller General as one of 17 Commissioners of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
- November 2011 John C. Robinson, MD Lecture, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
- October 2010: Pediatric Alumnus Award for Research, Rochester, NY
- March 2010: Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award, University of Rochester
- January 2010: American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award (category of Advanced Practice Nursing) for the BATES Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking book
- May 2009: Joel and Barbara Alpert Lecture, Boston University
- Sept 2006: Recipient of Junior Faculty Mentoring Award, University of Rochester
- November 2005: Elizabeth R. McAnarney Lecturer, Rochester Pediatric Society
- March 2005: Finalist for the Humanism in Medicine Award, URMC
- October 2004: CDC; Best Practices in Immunizations Honor for directing the top practice-based immunization quality improvement program in the US.
- May 2004: Recipient of the Howard J. Berman prize for the Primary Care Outreach Program (individual who has contributed most to the health of the Rochester community)
- May 2002: Ambulatory Pediatric Association; Lifetime Research Award Recipient
- June 1999: Elected to the American Pediatric Society
- June 1994: Elected to the Society for Pediatric Research
- June 1990: Outstanding Teacher Award, Department of Pediatrics (by medical students)
- August 1986 - July 1987: National Center for Health Services Research Fellow, Individual NRSA Award: "The Effect of Pre-Paid Health Insurance on Pediatric Ambulatory Care"