James J. McGough, MD, MS
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
300 Medical Plaza,
Suite 1200,
Los Angeles, CA
Medical Board Certifications
Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1992
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1992
Child Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital, 1991
Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center Dept. of Psychiatry, 1989
MD, Duke University School of Medicine, 1986
- Super doctors, Southern California, 2024
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2023, 2024
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2016
- Master Clinician, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013
- See More
West Los Angeles
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry| Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital
- McGough JJ and Curry JF. Utility of the SCL-90-R with depressed and conduct disordered adolescents. J Pers Assess. 1992; 59:552-563. PMID 1487808.
- Smalley SL, Bailey JN, Palmer CG, Cantwell DP, McGough JJ, Del'Homme M, Asarnow JR, Woodward JA, Ramsey C, Nelson SF. Evidence that the dopamine D4 receptor is a susceptibility gene in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 1998; 3: 427-430. PMID 9774776.
- Palmer CG, Bailey JJ, Ramsey C, Cantwell D, Sinsheimer JS, Del'Homme M, McGough J, Woodward JA, Asarnow R, Asarnow J, Nelson S, Smalley SL. No evidence of linkage or linkage disequilibrium between DAT1 and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a large sample. Psychiatr Genet. 1999; 9:157-160. PMID 10551548.
- McDougle CJ, Scahill L, McCracken JT, Aman MG, Tierney E, Arnold LE, Freeman BJ, Martin A, McGough JJ, Cronin P, Posey DJ, Riddle MA, Ritz L, Swiezy NB, Vitiello B, Volkmar FR, Votolato NA, Walson P. Research units on pediatric psychopharmacology (RUPP) û autism network: background and rationale for an initial controlled study of risperidone. Child Adolescent Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2000; 9:201-224. PMID 10674197.
- Arnold LE, Aman MG, Martin A, Collier-Crespin A, Vitiello B, Tierney E, Asarnow R, Bell-Bradshaw F, Freeman BJ, Gates-Ulanet P, Klin A, McCracken JT, McDougle CJ, McGough JJ, Posey DJ, Scahill L, Swiezy NB, Ritz L, Volkmar F. Assessment in multisite randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of patients with autistic disorder: The autism RUPP network. J Autism Dev Disord. 2000: 30:99-111. PMID 10832774.
- Smalley S, McGough J, Del'Homme M, NewDelman J, Gordon E, Kim T, Liu A, McCracken J. Familial clustering of symptoms and disruptive behaviors in multiplex families with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000: 39:1135-1143.
- McCracken JT, Smalley SL, McGough JJ, Crawford L, Del'Homme M, Cantor R, Liu A, Nelson SF. Evidence for linkage of a tandem duplication polymorphism upstream of the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Mol Psychiatry. 2000; 5:531-536.
- International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC). A genomewide scan fro autism: strong evidence for linkage to chromosomes 2q, 7q, and 16p. Am J Hum Genet. 2001;69:570-581.
- Scahill L, McCracken J., McDougle CJ, Aman M, Arnold LE, Tierney E, Cronin P, Davies M, Ghuman J, Gonzalez N, Koeini K, Lindsay T, Martin A, McGough J, Posey DJ, Swiezy N, Volkmar F, Ritz L, Vitiello B. Methodological issues in designing a multisite trial of risperidone in children and adolescents with autism. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2001: 11:377-388.
- Fisher SE, Franks C, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Marlow AJ, MacPhie IL, Newbury DF, Palmer CGS, Woodward JA, Del'Homme M, Cantwell DP, Nelson SF, Monaco AP, Smalley SL. A genome-wide scan for loci involved in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Am J Hum Genet. 2002; 70:1183-1196.
- McCracken JT, McGough J, Shah B, Cronin P, Hong D, Aman MG, Arnold LE, Lindsay R, Nash P, Hollway J, McDougle CJ, Posey D, Sweizy N, Kohn A, Scahill L, Martin A, Koenig K, Volkmar F, Carroll D, Lancor A, Tierney E, Ghuman J, Gonzalez NM, Grados M, Vitiello B, Ritz L, Davies M, Robinson J, McMahon D. Risperidone in children with autism and serious behavioral problems. N Engl J Med. 2002; 347:314-321.
- Smalley SL, Kustanovich V, Minassian SL, Stone J, Ogdie M, McGough JJ, McCracken JT, MacPhie IL, Franks C, Fisher SE, Cantor RM, Monaco AP, Nelson SF. Genetic linkage of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on chromosome 16p13 in a region implicated in autism. Am J Hum Genetics. 2002; 71:959-963.
- Kustanovich, V, Merriman B, Smalley SL, McGough J, McCracken J, Nelson SF. Biased transmission of SNAP-25 alleles in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2003; 8:309-315.
- McGough JJ, Biederman J, Greenhill LL, McCracken JT, Spencer TJ, Posner K, Wigal S, Gornbein J, Tulloch S, Swanson JM: Pharmacokinetics of SLI381 (Adderall XR), and extended-release formulation of Adderall. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003; 42:684-691.
- McCracken JT, Biederman J, Greenhill L, Swanson JM, McGough JJ, Spencer T, Posner K, Wigal S, Tulloch S. Analog classroom assessment of SLI381 in children with ADHD. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003; 42:673-683.
- Kotimaa A, Moilanen I, Taanila A, Ebeling H, Smalley SL, McGough J, Hartikainen AL, Jarvelin MR. Maternal smoking and hyperactivity in 8-year old children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003; 42:826-833.
- Ogdie MN, Macphie IL, Minassian SL, Yang M, Fisher SE, Franks C, Cantor R, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Nelson SF, Monaco AP, Smalley SL. A genome-wide scan for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in an extended sample: suggestive linkage on 17p11. Am J Hum Genetics. 2003; 72:1268-1279.
- Loo SK, Fisher SE, Francks C, Ogdie MN, MacPhie L, Yang M, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Nelson SF, Monaco AP, Smalley SL. Genome-wide scan of reading ability in affected sibling pairs with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: unique and shared genetic effects. Mol Psychiatry. 2004;9:485-493.
- Kustanovich V, Ishii J, Crawford L, Yang M, McGough JJ, McCracken JT, Smalley SL, Nelson SF. Transmission disequilibrium testing of dopamine candidate gene polymorphisms in ADHD. Mol Psychiatry. 2004;9:711-717.
- Ogdie MN, Fisher SE, Yang M, Ishii J, Franks C, Cantor RM, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Smalley SL, Nelson SF. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: fine mapping support linkage to 5p13, 6q12, 16p13, and 17p11. Am J Hum Genet. 2004;75:661-668.
- Abikoff H, McGough J, Vitiello B, McCracken J, Davies M, Walkup J, Riddle M, Oatis M, Greenhill L, Skrobala A, March J, Gammon P, Robinson J, Lazell R, McMahon D, Ritz L. Sequential pharmacotherapy for children with comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2005;44:418-427.
- Lynn DE, Lubke G, Yang M, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Smalley SL. Temperament and character profiles and the dopamine d4 receptor gene in ADHD. Am J Psychiatry. 2005;162:906-913.
- McGough JJ, Biederman J, Wigal S, Lopez FA, McCracken JT, Zhang Y, Tulloch S. Long-term tolerability and effectiveness of once-daily mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall XR) in children with ADHD. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2005;44:530-538. PMID 15930063.
- McDougle CJ, Scahill L, Aman MG, McCracken JT, Tierney E, Davies M, Arnold LE, Posey DJ, Martin A, Ghuman JK, Shah B, Chuang SZ, Swiezy NB, Gonzalez NM, Hollway J, Koenig K, McGough JJ, Ritz L, Vitiello B. Risperidone for the core symptom domains of autism: results from the study by the autism network of the research units on pediatric psychopharmacology. Am J Psychiatry. 2005;162:1142-1148. PMID 15930063.
- Aman MG, Arnold LE, Lindsay R, Mash P, Hollway J, McCracken JT, Shah B, McGough J, Cronin P, Lee L, McDougle CJ, Posey D, Swiezy N, Kohn A, Scahill L, Martin A, Koenig K, Volkmar F, Carroll D, Lancor A, Tierney E, Ghuman J, Gonzalez N, Grados M, Vitiello B, Ritz L, Davies M, Robinson J, McMahon. Risperidone treatment of autistic disorder: longer term benefits and blinded discontinuation after six months. Am J Psychiatry. 2005;162:1361-1369.
- Wigal SB, McGough JJ, McCracke
- Aetna
- Anthem Blue Cross
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- Centivo
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- Health Net of California
- Interplan (part of HealthSmart)
- L.A. Care
- Medicare Advantage
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- UFCM Health System
- Prime Health Services
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
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- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2023, 2024
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2016
- Master Clinician, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013
- Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2010, 2011, 2013
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent, 2009 Psychiatry Catchers in the Rye Award for Advocacy (AACAP Program Committee)
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Elaine Schlosser Lewis Award for Research on Attention-Deficit Disorder, 2009
- Super Doctors® Southern California, 2008
- Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, 2004