Scholarly Activity
UCLA Publications on PubMed
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Review PubMed publications by our UCLA department research scientists
Review PubMed publications by our UCLA department physicians
Review PubMed publications by our department physicists
Review PubMed publications by our department of Radiation Oncology
- Chul Lee, MS, DABR
Grants Awarded - Government Sponsored
- CT-Soligenix, BDPENTO1, (P. Lee, PI) - A phase I/II study to evaluate escalating doses of SGX201 (delayed release oral beclomethasone dipropionate BDP) for prevention of signs and symptoms of acute enteritis in patients with rectal cancer treated with combined chemotherapy and radiation, PI, 5% effort, 3/15/11-3/14/14, $72,612.
- NIH/National Cancer Institute, 7R01CA116712, D. Low, PI, Positron emission tomography for radiation therapy, Co-PI, 5% effort, 8/1/11-5/31/12, $1,519,743.
- US Army/MRAA W81XWH1110531, W. McBride, PI, Radiation-induced vaccination to breast cancer, Co-Investigator, 5% effort, 9/30/11-10/29/15, $2,258,542.
- NIH/National Cancer Institute, R21, K. Sheng, A mechanistic model to derive lung tumor motion from whole surface tracking, Co-Investigator, 5% effort, 2 years, $275,000.
- NIH/National Cancer Institute, R21, D. Ruan. Sequential motion adaptive lung cancer RT, Co-Investigator, 5% effort, 2 years, $275,000.
- Cacalano - CMCR Seed Grant U19: "Identification of radiation mitigators that act through the STAT3 pathway"
- Schaue - 2U19 AI067769, NIAID Seed Grant (role: PI), 11/01/12-10/31/13, $50,000, "Autofluorescence is a tool to monitor radiation exposure and mitigation."
- McBride - NIAID supplement
- D Ruan - NIH sub in R01
Grants Awarded - Other Sponsored
- E. Vlashi - UCLA CTSI Core Voucher (UL1TR000124) $10,000
Grants Awarded - Industry Sponsored
- Jeff Demanes - Xoft
Committee Members
Agazaryan - AAPM-SCC, Electronic Media Committee Chair, since September 2000
Low - Chair: Science Council of AAPM
Low - Chair: NIH Clinical Trials Committee of ASTRO
Low - Chair: AAPM Audit Committee
K Sheng - AAPM Working Group on Biological Effects of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy/SBRT
K Sheng - Subgroup rationales of prescriptions
- ASTRO Health Policy, ACR, Health Policy Payment Systems, ACRO Economics Committee, ASTRO CDVC. Regulatory Subcommittee
P. Lee
- UCLA Medical Center
- Member, Medical Institutional Review Board 2 Committee 2010-2012
- Member, Medical Radiation Safety Committee 2011-present
- Member, Internal Scientific Peer Review Committee 2012-present
- National Committees
- Member, ASTRO Radiation and Cancer Biology Committee 2008-present
- Member, ASTRO Translational Research, Subcommittee 2008-present
- Member, ASTRO Multidisciplinary QA Subcommittee 2008-present
- Industry
- DSMB, Liver SBRT vs. TACE Protocol, Accuray Medical Systems, Inc 2010-2011
- Clinical Advisory Board, Viewray Medical Systems, Inc 2012-present
S. Lee
- Faculty Executive Committee, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
- Faculty Forward Task Force, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
- Committee on International Education, Academic Senate, University of California, Los Angeles
- Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Internal Scientific Peer Review Committee (ISPRC), UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Continuous Quality Improvement Committee (CQI), UCLA Department of Radiation Oncology
- Legislative Assembly, Academic Senate, University of California, Los Angeles
N. Agazaryan
- AAPM JACMP Board of Editors, since May 2011
- ASTRO IGRT Task Group, Emerging Technologies Committee (ETC), since December 2008
M. Cao
- AAPM New Professional Subcommittee
D. Low
- Scientific Advisory Board Member, ViewRay
- Advisory board Physics Today
- Member AAPM Task Group 217; Radiation Dose from Airport X-Ray Scanners
- Member AAPM Task Group 218; Tolerance Levels and Methodologies for IMR to Verification QA
- Member AAPM Working Group on Future Research and Academic Medical Physics (FUTURE)
- NIH-RTB study section permanent member
- Member AAPM Research Committee
- Co-chair, Imaging for Treatment Verification Working Group of the Therapy Imaging Subcommittee, AAPM
- Liaison, Government Relations Committee, Government Relations council, ASTRO
- Member, Emerging Technology Committee Monitoring Subcommittee, Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee, ASTRO
- Member of the Radiation Physics Committee of the Research Council of ASTRO.
- Member of the Monitoring Subcommittee of the Emerging Technology Steering Committee of ASTRO.
- Medical Physics Co-Chair, RTOG Protocol 0534; A Phase III Trial of Short Term Androgen Deprivation With Pelvic Lymph Node or Prostate Bed Only Radiotherapy (SPPORT) in Prostate Cancer Patients With a Rising PSA After Radical Prostatectomy.
WH McBride
- ASTRO - CD-RB, Government Relations
- RRS - Gov Relations
K Sheng
- AAPM Working Group on Conformal Small Animal Irradiation Devices
UCLA Radiation Oncology Reviews
- Schaue D., Xie M.W., Ratikan J.A. and McBride, W. H. (2012). Regulatory T cells in radiotherapeutic responses. Front in Oncol (in press).
- Schaue D., Kachikwu E. L. and McBride, W. H. (2012). Cytokines in radiobiological responses: a review. Radiat Res 178, 505-523.
- X. Qi - International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (IJROBP).
- Schaue D, Kachikwu EL, McBride WH. Cytokines in Radiobiological Responses: A Review. Radiat. Res. 2012 Oct 29;178.