Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Plaza, Suite 3325
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Main Phone:
Your Recovery
After surgery, you will be transported to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to monitor vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate, and pain). You will probably feel sleepy and confused due to the effects of the anesthesia and pain medications. The PACU nurse will be in constant watch until the effects of anesthesia diminishes. Patients typically remain in the recovery room for approximately two hours, although this time can vary from patient to patient due to their condition and bed availability.
Visitation Guidelines
- The PACU is a restricted visiting area because we are an open unit. In the interest of protecting patient privacy and confidentiality, we do not allow extended visitation.
- While in our recovery room, your family/loved ones will be instructed to stay in Maddie's Room located on the 1st floor of the hospital.
- A volunteer from the PACU will call Maddie's Room to notify you when your family member has arrived to the PACU.
- Your family should check in and out with the Maddie's Room volunteer when they arrive and leave the area.
- Your surgeon will come/call to the Maddie's Room to update your family member post-op.
- A nurse will update your family, if there is a delay in transferring you to your designated room.
- Your family may be allowed to visit after an extended time in the PACU for approximately 10 to 15 minutes at the discretion of the primary nurse.
- Only one visitor will be allowed at the patient's bedside at one time. We allow one family member or legal guardian in the PACU.
- Once again, the PACU is an open unit. Due to patient acuity and volume of patients in the recovery room, visitation is restricted except for our Pediatric population.
- Due to the safety and security of our patients, we ask that family members and loved ones stay on the 1st floor in the Maddie's Room rather than wait outside the PACU.
- Cell phone and camera use are prohibited in the recovery room.
The PACU staff are looking forward to working with your family and loved one on putting you on the road to recovery. We hope that you, your family and loved one will have a positive experience during your stay here in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit.