Tony C. Lin, MD
- Family Medicine
Dr. Tony Lin is a primary care physician who practices at UCLA Health MPTF Toluca Lake location in Burbank. He is board certified in family medicine.
Dr. Lin received his medical degree from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and completed his residency at the Glendale Family Practice Residency Program. He received his undergraduate degree from La Sierra University.
Prior to joining UCLA Health, Dr. Lin worked for Kaiser Permanente in Woodland Hills and at the South Bay Medical Center. He started working as a physician for the Motion Picture Television Fund, which was later acquired by UCLA Health, in 2008.
Medical Board Certification

Areas of Focus
- Aetna
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Blue Shield of California
- Centivo
- Cigna
- First Health
- Health Net of California
- Interplan (part of HealthSmart)
- L.A. Care
- Medicare Advantage
- MultiPlan
- UFCM Health System
- Prime Health Services
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- UnitedHealthcare
The list of health care plans above may not be comprehensive and could change.
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