Pancreatic Cancer Screening

Pancreatic cancer screening is offered to individuals at higher risk of developing pancreas cancer due to genetic mutation and/or family history. Proactive screening programs can significantly improve the early detection of pancreatic cancer, potentially leading to better treatment outcomes and survival rates. At UCLA, we offer a comprehensive pancreas cancer screening program tailored for high-risk patients, including:

Identification of High-Risk Individuals:

Genetic Counseling and Testing: Identify individuals with known genetic mutations associated with pancreatic cancer (e.g., BRCA1/2, PALB2, ATM).

Family History Assessment: Evaluate individuals with a significant family history of pancreatic cancer (e.g., multiple affected relatives, young age at diagnosis).

Annual Pancreas Cancer Screening with Imaging:

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): MRI of the pancreas with contrast

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS): Endoscopic procedure involving passage of a flexible camera and ultrasound device into the upper gastrointestinal tract to examine the pancreas

Risk Management and Counseling:

Multidisciplinary Approach: Involve a team of specialists including surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiologists, palliative care physicians, genetic counselors, and nutrition specialists.

Education and Counseling: Provide ongoing education regarding signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer and the importance of regular screening.

Clinical Trials: Offer participation in clinical trials for early detection methods or novel treatment options.

Surveillance Protocol:

Regular Follow-Ups: Establish a personalized surveillance schedule based on individual risk factors and screening results.

Patient Support and Quality of Life:

Psychosocial Support: Offer resources for coping with the emotional and psychological aspects of high-risk screening.

Nutritional Counseling: Address dietary needs and optimize nutritional intake to support overall health.

A pancreas cancer screening program for high-risk patients demands a structured, multidisciplinary approach to maximize early detection and intervention opportunities. By integrating genetic counseling, advanced imaging technologies, and comprehensive patient support, our pancreas cancer screening program aims to mitigate the impact of pancreatic cancer through timely diagnosis and personalized care strategies.

Find your care

Let our experts create a personalized treatment plan for you. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 310-206-6889.

Contact for the Pancreas Cancer Screening Program at UCLA: 

Dr. Stephen Kim
Appointments: 310-794-7788