Christine Samuel-Nakamura, PhD, RN, FNP-BC
Contact Information
Scientific Interests
Dr. Christine Samuel-Nakamura' research focuses on examining the relationships between environmental toxins (i.e. radionuclides, metal(loid)s and water pollution) and chronic health conditions, including cancers and adverse outcomes. Samuel-Nakamura is particularly interested in improving disparities in American Indian / Alaska Native / Indigenous peoples and other underserved communities.
Highlighted Publications
Hodge, F. S., Cadogan, M., Samuel-Nakamura, C. (2021). We don’t bring our burden home: American Indian response to cancer diagnosis. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 28(2), 39-43, ISSN 1071-5568.
Hodge, F. S., Itty, T. L., Samuel-Nakamura, C., Cadogan, M. (2020). We Don’t Talk About It: Cancer Pain and American Indian Survivors. Cancers,12(1932), doi:10.3390/cancers12071932.
Samuel-Nakamura, C., Hodge, F. (2016). Modifiable and non-modifiable factors associated with HPV vaccine decision-making among American Indian women college students. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 40(4), 71-81.
Hodge F.S., Itty T., Cardoza B., Samuel-Nakamura C. (2011). Disparities in HPV vaccine readiness among American Indian college students: Factors influencing HPV Vaccine Decision-making. Ethnicity & Disease, 21(4), 415-420.