Christopher Saigal, MD, MPH
Board Certification
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Clinical Interests
Scientific Interests
Dr. Christopher Saigal's research focuses on cost-effectiveness analyses, quality of life analyses (including patient utility assessment), quality of care, costs of care and assessment of national urologic practice patterns.
Research into National Urologic Practice Patterns (Urologic Diseases in America)
This five-year, $7.9 million NIH-funded project is using secondary datasets, including those from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Centers for Disease Control, to document the burden of illness posed by the major urologic conditions on the US population. Saigal is the Principal Investigator for the data analysis portion of this project, conducted at RAND Health, and Co-PI of the overall project, administered at UCLA.
Research into Quality of Life Issues
PROST-QA is a multi-site prospective study of determinants of quality of life after definitive treatment for prostate cancer. Saigal is the PI for the UCLA site and oversees patient enrollment, data collection, and data analysis.
Highlighted Publications
Bassett JC, Gore JL, Chi AC, Kwan L, McCarthy W, Chamie K, Saigal CS. Impact of a bladder cancer diagnosis on smoking behavior. J Clin Oncol. 2012 May 20;30(15):1871-8. Epub 2012 Apr 23
Chamie K, Saigal CS, Lai J, Hanley JM, Setodji CM, Konety BR, Litwin MS. Quality of care in patients with bladder cancer: a case report? Cancer. 2012 Mar 1;118(5):1412-21. Epub 2011 Aug 5
Gore JL, Litwin MS, Lai J, Yano EM, Madison R, Setodji C, Adams JL, Saigal CS. Use of radical cystectomy for patients with invasive bladder cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010 Jun 2;102(11):802-11. Epub 2010 Apr 16
Saigal CS, Deibert CM, Lai J, Schonlau M. Disparities in the treatment of patients with IL-2 for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Urol Oncol. 2010 May-Jun;28(3):308-13. Epub 2008 Dec 12
Yu HY, Madison RA, Setodji CM, Saigal CS. Quality of surveillance for stage I testis cancer in the community. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Sep 10;27(26):4327-32. Epub 2009 Aug 3