Milica Momcilovic, MD, PhD
Contact Information
Scientific Interests
Dr. Momcilovic's research focuses on identifying and characterizing how long squamous cell carcinomas adapt to target therapy. Her work relies on the combination of both in vitro and in vivo lung cancer models, with the goals of examining mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies; identifying biomarkers that could stratify patients into responders and non-responders to targeted therapies; identifying new combinational therapies for lung cancer patients.
Highlighted Publications
Momcilovic M, McMickle R, Abt E, Seki A, Simko SA, Magyar C, Stout DB, Fishbein MC, Walser TC, Dubinett SM, Shackelford DB. Heightening Energetic Stress Selectively Targets LKB1-Deficient Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers. Cancer Research. 2015 Nov 15;75(22):4910-22. PMCID: PMC4654699.
Momcilovic M, Bailey ST, Lee JT, Fishbein MC, Magyar C, Braas D, Graeber T, Jackson NJ, Czernin J, Emberley E, Gross M, Janes J, Mackinnon A, Pan A, Rodriguez M, Works M, Zhang W, Parlati F, Demo S, Garon E, Krysan K, Walser TC, Dubinett SM, Sadeghi S, Christofk HR, Shackelford DB. Targeted Inhibition of EGFR and Glutaminase Induces Metabolic Crisis in EGFR Mutant Lung Cancer. Cell Reports. 2017 Jan 17;18(3):601-610. PMCID: PMC5260616.
Momcilovic M, Bailey ST, Lee JT, Fishbein MC, Braas D, Go J, Graeber TG, Parlati F, Demo S, Li R, Walser TC, Gricowski M, Shuman R, Ibarra J, Fridman D, Phelps ME, Badran K, St John M, Bernthal NM, Federman N, Yanagawa J, Dubinett SM, Sadeghi S, Christofk HR, Shackelford DB. The GSK3 Signaling Axis Regulates Adaptive Glutamine Metabolism in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Cell. 2018 May 14;33(5):905-921.e5. PMCID: PMC6451645.
Momcilovic M, Jones A, Bailey ST, Waldmann CM, Li R, Lee JT, Abdelhady G, Gomez A, Holloway T, Schmid E, Stout D, Fishbein MC, Stiles L, Dabir D, Dubinett SM, Christofk H, Shirihai O, Koehler C, Sadeghi S, Shackelford DB. In vivo imaging of mitochondrial membrane potential in non-small cell lung cancer. Nature. 2019, Nov;575(7782):380-384. PMCID: MC7328016.