Nimmi S. Kapoor, MD, FACS
Contact Information
Scientific Interests
Dr. Kapoor's research interests include identifying novel approaches to cancer treatment to decrease morbidity and improve patient outcome. Specifically she is interested in neoadjuvant clinical trials that identify targeted treatments for patients with early stage breast cancer and the application of cryoablation to aid in the treatment of specific breast cancer tumor types. Her secondary goals include identifying strategies that enhance the surgical management of breast cancer treatment amongst her trainees.
Highlighted Publications
Kapoor NS, Sim MS, Lin J, Giuliano AE. Long-term Outcome of Patients Managed WithSentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Alone for Node-Negative Invasive Breast Cancer. ArchSurg. 2012;147:1047-52. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/1216546
Kapoor NS, Eaton A, King TA, Stempel SM, Patil SM, Morris EA, Brogi E, Morrow M.Should breast density influence patient selection for breast conserving surgery? AnnSurg Oncol. 2013; 20:600-6. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1245/s10434-012-2604-z
Kapoor NS, Shamonki J, Sim MS, Chung CT, Giuliano AE. Impact of multifocality andlymph node metastasis on the prognosis and management of microinvasive breastcancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013; 20:2576-81.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1245/s10434-013-2924-7
Kapoor NS, Curcio LD, Blakemore C, Bremner A, McFarland R, West JG, Banks KC.Multi-gene panel testing detects equal rates of pathogenic BRCA1/2 mutations and hasa higher diagnostic yield compared to limited BRCA1/2 analysis alone in patients at riskfor hereditary breast cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015; 22:3282-3288.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1245/s10434-015-4754-2
Kapoor NS. Common and less-common complications associated with breast implants.Ann Wom Health. 2017; 1: 1002. http://www.remedypublications.com/open-access/pcommon-and-less-common-complications-associated-with-breast-implantsp-2290.pdf