Roch Nianogo, MD, PhD
Contact Information
Scientific Interests
Dr. Nianogo's interest lies in the identification, optimization and design of prevention and treatment interventions for preventing chronic diseases including cancers. In particular, his research has focused on the prevention of obesity--a known risk factor for cancer. In addition, he has recently applied for several small cancer-related grants in the hopes of contributing to the growing research in the field of cancer prevention.
Highlighted Publications
Gebremariam MK, Nianogo RA, Lien N, Bjelland M, Klepp K, Bergh IH, Ommundsen Y, Arah, OA. The impact of hypothetical interventions on adiposity in adolescence: A gcomputation analysis. Scientific Reports 2021. Sci Rep. 2021 May 27;11(1):11216. doi: 10.1038
Nianogo RA & Arah OA. The Role of Childhood Adiposity in the Development of Adult Type 2 Diabetes in a 64-Year follow-Up Cohort: An application of the parametric G-formula within an Agent-Based Simulation Study. Epidemiology. 2019 Nov; 30 Suppl 2:S101-S109. DOI: 10.1097
Nianogo RA & Arah OA. Impact of Public Health Interventions for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: A Simulation Study. Am J Prev Med. 2018 Dec;55(6):795-802.
Nianogo RA, Wang MC, Wang A, Nobari TZ, Crespi CM, Whaley SE, Arah OA. Projecting the impact of hypothetical early life interventions on childhood adiposity in children living in low-income households. Pediatric Obesity. 2016. DOI: 10.1111/ijpo.12157
Nianogo RA, Arah OA. Agent-Based Modeling of Non-Communicable Diseases: A Systematic Review. Am J Public Health. 2015;105(3):e20–31. Doi:10.2105/ajph.2014.302426.