Grand Rounds Archive

Ronald Reagan Medical Center | Santa Monica/UCLA Hospital

Ronald Reagan Medical Center - Wednesday Grand Rounds

August 20th, 2008

Derek Sakata, M.D.
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Utah School of Medicine

TOPIC: Active Anesthetic Elimination-How & Why?
Moderator: Wendy Ren, M.D.

November 19th, 2008

David Murray, M.D.
CArol B. and Jerome T. Loeb Professor
Director, Howard and Joyce Wood Simulation Center
Washington University School of Medicine
Division of Pediatric Anesthesia
St. Louis Children's Hospital 5S 31

TOPIC: Simulation-Bases Performance Assessment
Moderator: Wendy Ren, M.D.

January 28th, 2009

Timothy Brennan, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
University of Iowa
Vice Chair, Research
Dr. Samir D. Gergis Professor

TOPIC: How Does Surgery Cause Pain?
Moderator: Wendy Ren, M.D.

February 25th, 2009

Zeev Kain, M.D., MBA, MA (Hon)
Professor, Anesthesiology & Pediatrics & Psychiatriy Chair
Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Associate
Dean of Clinical Research
School of Medicine University of California, Irvine

TOPIC: Myths in Pediatric Anesthesia
Moderator: Wendy Ren, M.D.

April 29th, 2009

Tong J. Gan, M.D.
Professor of Anesthesiology
Vice-Chair, Clinical Research
Department of Anesthesiology
Duke University Medical Center

TOPIC: Consensus Panel Recommendations for the Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Moderator: Wendy Ren, M.D.

Santa Monica/UCLA Hospital - Wednesday Grand Rounds

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