Second Annual CRNA Skills Day

Second Annual CRNA Skills Day 

Wrriten by Natalia MacDougall, CRNA

CRNAs and DAPM physicians at CRNA Skills Day
Nurse anesthetists and faculty anesthesiologists of the Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine at UCLA participated in our second annual CRNA Skills Day on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at the UCLA Simulation Center. The event was organized by CRNA leadership to give CRNAs the opportunity to practice important skills crucial to their practice. 
Neil Shaw, MD, started the day by giving an excellent talk on obstetric anesthesiology practice updates and recommendations. CRNAs were given the opportunity to ask questions and practice epidural and spinal placement. This was followed by skills stations with CRNA Manager, Debbie Paris Teho, MSN, CRNA, and CRNA Assistant Manager, Alan Zamora, MSN, CRNA, teaching fiberoptic intubation and double-lumen tube placement. Michael Sliff, MSN, CRNA, taught ultrasound-guided IV placement. Michael Wolfe, MD, led a station on central line and rapid infusion catheter (RIC) placement. The day ended with a lunch-and-learn lecture given by Dr. Wolfe on gastric ultrasound, which included a live demonstration as well as hands-on practice.
The attendees thoroughly enjoyed all the camaraderie and education and left the event with a renewed appreciation for the work they do each day.