Other Care Centers
Los Angeles Resources / Recursos de Los Ángeles
Los Angeles community clinics and eye care services
Clínicas de la communidad de Los Ángeles y recursos del cuidado del ojo
If you do not have health insurance every resource below will help to determine if you are qualified to receive their services, unless otherwise specified.
Arroyo Vista Family Health Center
6000 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90042
The Saban Free Clinic
Los Angeles: (323) 653-8622
For appointments: (323) 653 1990
Venice Family Clinic
Venice: (310) 392-8636
Martin Luther King Jr. Multi-Service
Ambulatory Care Center
(310) 668-4321
12021 S. Wilmington Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059
- Referral from primary care doctor required
- Membership with LA Care or Health Net is needed,otherwise there is a program for those who do not have insurance.
Meet Each Need with Dignity (MEND)
Pacoima: (818) 897-2443 ext. 55 or 7354
Patients who live in the areas listed on the website above are eligible to receive MEND's services for free even if they do not have insurance.
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
(310) 228-2345
1000 W. Carson St. Torrance, CA 90502
Watts Healthcare Corporation
Westside Family Health Center
(323) 564-4331
Referral is needed and there is a fee if the patient does not have insurance
Olive View - UCLA Medical Center
(818) 364-3077
14445 Olive View Dr. Sylmar, CA 91342
Clínica Msr. Oscar Romero Health Centers
Los Angeles: (213) 989-7700
123 South Alvarado St Los Angeles, CA 90057
QueensCare Family Clinics
Appointments: 1-800-454-1800
Hollywood: (323) 953-7170
Echo Park: (213) 380-7298
Care America's Online Referral Center
Visita para ver si califica para el cuidado de no-cost de ojo.
H. Claude Hudson Comprehensive Health Center
(213) 699-7030
2829 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles 90007
- Referral from doctor required
- Membership with LA Care or Health Net is needed, otherwise patient can go to urgent care.
Los Angeles Eye Center
403 S. Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90037
If the patient does not have insurance, a discounted rate will be about $100-120.
Valley Community Clinic
Hollywood: (818) 763-8836 ext. 1257 for Lisa
Southside Coalition