Maps & Directions
in a larger mapSanta Monica Shelter (Samoshel)
Samoshel Clinic Days: 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the each month, year-round
Clinic Hours: 9 AM - 12 PM
Address: 505 West Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica, California 90401
Google Map Directions:

Parking: Limited spaces in front of clinic, but plenty of meter parking along 5th Street (might need quarters).
To enter shelter: use the main entrance marked "OPCC":

Pathways to Home Emergency Shelter
Clinic Days: 4th Thursday of every month, year-round
Clinic Hours: 6 PM - 9 PM
Address: 3804 Broadway Place, Los Angeles, California 90037
Google Map Directions:

Parking: Street parking is available. Park a long 38 th Street (this is where the entrance to the shelter is).
To enter shelter: go through the gates, and enter the building complex.

Winter Shelters
Winter Clinic Days: every Monday - December through March (may vary depending on weather)
Clinic Hours: 6 PM - 9 PM
Address: 1300 Federal Ave. ,Los Angeles, California 90025
Google Map Directions:

Parking: Free lot parking available. Parking lot located south of the building.
To enter shelter: Once you've parked in the lot on the south of the building, walk towards the south end of the building. Do not enter through the most visible set of doors on the southwest side (left) - these are not accessible to us. Please continue walking towards the southeast doors (blue arrow) and enter through here. Walk in past security, past the shelter cots, and go all the way to the back of the shelter where we will set up clinic.