Cardiovascular Engineering Research Laboratory
Laboratory Title:
UCLA Cardiovascular Mechanotransduction Laboratory
Research Aims:
PROJECT #1: Hemodynamics and Mechanobiology
Our group have developed the first quantitative micro-technological approach to measure in real-time changes in intravascular shear stress in the New Zealand White rabbits and swine models. We have further applied microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nano-scale sensors for real-time quantification of shear stress and oxidative stress with pathological significance to the initiation of inflammatory resposnes. Our micro-enabled technology (e.g., MEMS shears stress sensors and concentric bipolar microelectrodes), molecular tools (e.g., adenoviruses to over-express Mn-SOD, small interference RNAs, flow cytometry to measure mitochondrial redox status), as well as transgenic and knockout animals (TgMn-SOD, ApoE-/-, p47phox-/-, PKCe/Src-kinase mutant moue lines in house) have also enabled us to provide new mechanistic insights into mitochondrial redox status and autophage as a requisite role for causing electrochemical modifications in the vessel wall with the possibility identifying mechanically unstable plaque prone to rupture when patients undergo angiograms. The integration of biomedical engineering and oxidative biology as well as testing of hypotheses with animal models have strengthened our cross-disciplinary research, which, in the case of these studies, involves collaboration between the Department of Medicine and Physiology at UCLA and UCSD and the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine at Georgia Institute of Technology/Emory University.
PROJECT #2: Electrical and Mechanical Coupling in Injured and Regenerating Myocardium in Small Animal Models of Heart Regeneration
Our laboratory has been inspired by the developmental biologists for their seminal contributions to cardiovascular medicine using the zebrafish heart model. We and others have developed micro-ECG strategy to assess conduction phenotypes in adult and embryonic zebrafish. In collaboration with the zebrafish heart experts, we observed changes in conduction phenotypes in the regenerating myocardium in response to ventricular injury. In collaboration with Dr. Alison Marsden at UCSD, we are assessing hemodynamics and cardiac morphogenesis via the use of moving boundary Computational Hemodynamics (CFD). In collaboration with Dr. K. Kirk Shung, NIH Director of Ultrasonic Transducers Resource Center, we are demonstrating mechanical phenotypes in terms of ventricular compliance (E- and A- waves) with high spatial and temporal resolution. In collaboration with zebrafish experts, Dr. Ellen Lien at Los Angeles Children's Hospital, Dr. Jau Chen at UCLA, Dr. Xiaolei Xu at Mayo Clinic, and Dr. Neil C. Chi at UCSD, we are assessing the biomechanical mechanisms underlying the functional/physiological phenotypes in the regenerating myocardium by incorporating microelectrode arrays and high frequency ultrasonic transducers, histology and optical voltage mapping conduction. These fundamental findings will pave the way for early detection, monitoring, and management of aberrant electrical signals in neonatal models of tissue regeneration.
PROJECT #3: Urban Air Pollutants and Oxidative Stress
Chronic exposure to ambient urban ultra fine particles (UFP, dp < 150 nm) is an emerging environmental risk factor associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In collaboration with Prof. Constantinos Sioutas in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Prof. Celeb Finch in Gerontology at USC, as well as Prof. Mohamad Navab, Prof. Jesus Araujo, Prof. Linda Demer, and Prof. Yin Tintut at UCLA School of Medicine, we are assessing the molecular mechanisms underlying multi-organ system effects in response to ambient air pollutant exposure. Our collaborations have culminated in novel signal pathways leading to endothelial cell dysfunction and CVC cell calcification, as well as lipid peroxidation and reduced HDL anti-oxidant capacity in the LDLR-null mouse model.
Personnel: (Post Docs, Grad Students, SRAs) names only
Rongsong Li, Ph.D., Biochemistry, Adjunct Associate Professor
Hung Cao, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Post-doctoral Scholar
Lan Wu, MD, Associate Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology. Visiting Professor.
Yunfeng Du, M.D., Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology. Visiting Professor
Fei Yu, Biomedical Engineering, PhD Student. 2008-2013.
Nelson Jen, Biomedical Engineering PhD Student. 2009-present
Tyler Beebe, PhD, Biomedical Engineering PhD Student. 2010-present
Juhyun Lee, Biomedical PhD student. 2012-present
Xiaohu Dai, MS, BME
Je Gu, MS, BME
Angelica Cobo, BME, MS
Chia-An Lee, BME, MS
Sky Wang, USC Keck School of Medicine
Sean Sayani, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 2013 Summer
Lian Lash-Rosenberg, BME 2012-2013
Makana Krulce, BME 2012-2013
Mark Floro, BME, 2013, Summer
Sarah Rice, California State University, Long Beach, 2013 Summer
Jared Shull, Rice University, 2013, Summer
- Yaghoubi S, Tang W, Wang S, Reed J, Hsiai T, Detrano R, Brundage B. Off line assessment of atherosclerotic coronary calcium from electron beam tomograms. American Journal of Cardiac Imaging, 1995 Oct, 9(4): 231-6.
- Detrano R, Hsiai T, Wang S, Puentes G, Fallavollita J, Stanford W, Wolfiel C, Georgiou D, Budoff M, Reed J. Prognostic value of coronary calcification and angiographic stenoses in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1996 Feb, 27(2): 285-90.
- Honda, H. M., Hsiai, T., Wortham, C. M., Chen, M., Lin, H., Navab, M., Demer. L. L. A Complex flow pattern of low shear stress and flow reversal promotes monocyte binding to endothelial cells. Atherosclerosis. 2001,158:385-390.
- Hsiai* T, Cho S. K., Reddy S, Hama S., Navab M., Demer L., Honda H, Ho, C. M. Pulsatile flow patterns regulate monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells in response to oxidized lipids. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol . 2001, 21(11): 1770-1776.
- Hsiai* T, Yang J. M., Cho S. K. Cho, Yang X., Tai Y. C., Ho C. M., Micromachined particle filters for low power consumption. Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASM, 2002, Vol. 124(4): 1053-1056.
- Hsiai* T, Cho S. K, Honda, H., Hama S, Navab M, Demer L., Ho C. M. Endothelial cell dynamics under pulsating flow: Significance of high- vs. low shear stress slew rates. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2002,30(5):646-656.
- Hsiai*, T. K., Ing, M., Hwang, J., Salazar, A., Cho, S. K., Wang, P., Ho, C. M., Endothelial Cells: The Living Sensors and Actuators, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 3:169-172, 2002.
- Hsiai*, T. Ing, M., Cho S. K., Wong, P., Hama S., Navab M, Demer, L., Ho, C., Monocyte recruitment to endothelial cells In response to oscillatory shear stress. The FASEB Journal, 2003, Vol. 17:1648-1657.
- Hwang, J., Ing, M., Salazar, A., Navab, M. Sevanian, A., Hsiai*, T. Pulsatile vs. oscillatory flow regulates NADPH Oxidase Subunit: Implication for Native LDL Oxidation. Circulation Research, 2003; 93:1225-1232.
- Li, C. , Lei, B., Tang, T. , Zhang, D., Rouhanizadeh, M., Hsiai, T. and Zhou, C. Chemical Gating of In2O3 Nanowires by Organic and Bio molecules, Applied Physics Letter , 2003, Vol. 83(19), 2003: 014-6.
- Hsiai*, T. Salazar, A., Cho, S. K., Wang, P. K., Navab, M., Micro Sensors: Linking Inflammatory Responses with Oscillatory Shear Stress. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2004, 32(2):189-201.
- Rouhanizadeh M., Tang, T., Li, C., Soundararajan, G., Zhou, C., Hsiai*, T. Applying Indium Oxide Nanowire as Sensitive and Selective Redox Protein Sensors, Proceedings, IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MEMS. 2004, Vol. 1, 431-435.
- Soundararajan, G., Rouhinizadeh, M., Yu, H. Kim, E. S., Hsiai*, T., MEMS shear stress sensors for microcirculation, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical. 2005,118(1):25-32.
- Tang T, Liu X, Li C, Lei B, Zhang D, Rouhanizadeh M, Hsiai* T, Zhou C. Complementary response of In2O3 nanowires and carbon nanotubes to low-density lipoprotein chemical gating. Applied Physics Letter, 86, 03903, 2005.
- Rouhanizadeh, M., Lin, C. L., Ascara, D., Hsiai*, T. Spatial variations in shear stress at low Reynolds number in a 3-D model, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 10, October 2005, pp. 1425-1440.
- Hwang, J., Ing, M., Salemi, S., DeMaio, L., Marcu, L., Sevanian, A., Hsiai*, T., Induction of NADPH Oxidase Subunit, Nox4, by Ox-PAPC: Implications of Superoxide Production, Free Radic Bio Med. 2006 Aug 15;41(4):568-78.
- DeMaio, L, M. Rouhanizadeh, S. Reddy, Hwang, J., T. Hsiai*. Oxidized phospholipids mediate occludin expression and phosphorylation in vascular endothelial cells. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006 Feb;290(2):H674-83.
- Rouhanizadeh, M., Soundararajan, G., Ascara, D., Lo, R., Browand, F., Hsiai*, T., MEMS sensors to resolve spatial variations in shear stress in a 3-D bifurcation model, IEEE Sensors, February, 2006, 6(1):78-88.
- Juliana Hwang, Howard N. Hodis, T. K. Hsiai, Liana Asatryan and Alex Sevanian, Role of Annexin II in Estrogen-Induced Macrophage Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, Atherosclerosis, 2006 Nov;189(1):76-82.
- Rouhanizadeh, M., Tang. T., Li, C., Soundararajan, G., Zhou, C. Hsiai*, T., Differentiating oxidized LDL by Nanosensors, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, April, 2006, H114 (2H): 788-798.
- Hwang J, Rouhanizadeh, Eiserich, J., Hodis, H., Hsiai*, T., 17b-Estradiol Reverses Oscillatory Flow-Mediated LDL Oxidation, Free Radic Bio Med. 2006 Aug 15;41(4):568-78.
- Lin, C. T., Tintut, Y., Mack, W., Demer, L. L., Hsiai*, T. K., Mechanical response of a calcified plaque model to fluid shear stress, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2006 Oct;34(10):1535-41.
- Yu, H., Ai, L., Rouhanizadeh, M., Hamilton, R., Hwang, J., Meng, E., Kim, E. S., and Hsiai*, T. K., Polymer-Based Cardiovascular Shear Stress Sensors, IEEE ASME Frontiers in Biomedical Devices. June 7-8, 2007.Proceeding.
- Hsiai*, T., Lin, C., Rouhanizadeh, M, S., Cadenas, E., Hwang, J., Hazen, S. L., Hemodynamics influences vascular peroxynitrite formation: Implication for low-density lipoprotein apo-B-100 nitration. Free Radic Bio Med. 2007 Feb 15;42(4):519-29.
- Cheng, G. Y., Cao, F., Krishnan, M., Huang, M., Li, Z., Xie, X., Sheikh, A., Hoyt, G., Robbins, R., Hsiai, T., Schneider, M., Wu, J., Positron Emission Tomography of Conditional Gene Activation in the Heart, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 2007 Jul;43(1):18-26.
- Tzung K. Hsiai* and Judith Berliner, Oxidative stress as regulators of atherosclerosis in murine models in Current Drug Targets. 2007 Dec;8(12):1222-9. Review.
- H. Yu, L. Ai, M. Rouhanizadeh, R. A. Kloner, E. S. Kim. T. K. Hsiai*, Flexible Shear Stress Sensors for Intravascular Testing, Solid-State Sensors, Actuators Workshop. Hilton Head, SC. 2008 June:142-145. Proceeding.
- Ai, L., Yu, H., Rouhanizadeh, M., Takabe, W., Meng, E., Kim, E.S., Hsiai, T.K*. Polymer-Based Sensors for Dynamic Intravascular Shear Stress Analysis. IEEE ASME Frontiers in Biomedical Devices, Irvine, California, USA, June 18-20, 2008. Proceeding.
- Tzung K. Hsiai*, Mechano-signal Transduction in Vascular Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells: The Role of Hemodynamic Forces, Am J of Physiol Cell Physiol, 2008 Mar;294(3):C659-61. Editorial.
- Ai, L., Rouhanizadeh, M., Wu, J., Yi Chu Y., Miller, J., Heistad, D., Hsiai*, T., Oscillatory Shear Stress Influences Spatial Variations in Vascular MnSOD Expression and Nitrotyrosine Formation, Am J of Physiol: Cell Physiol. 2008 Jun;294(6):C1576-85.
- M. Rouhanizadeh, W. Takabe, L. Ai, T. K. Hsiai*, Monitoring oxidative stress in vascular endothelial cells in response to fluid shear stress: from biochemical analyses to micro- and nanotechnologies. Methods Enzymol. 2008;441:111-50. Review.
- R. T. Hamilton, L. Asatryan, J. T. Nilsen, T. K. Hsiai*. LDL protein nitration: Implication for LDL Protein Unfolding. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2008 Nov 1;479(1):1-14.
- H. Yu, L. Ai, M. Rouhanizadeh, D. Patel, E. S. Kim, T. K. Hsiai*. Flexible Polymer Sensors for In Vivo Intravascular Shear Stress Analysis, IEEE/ASME Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. 2008 October,Volume 17(5). 1178-1186.
- Hsiai, T. K*., and Wu, J. Hemodynamic forces regulate embryonic stem cells commitment to vascular progenitors. Current Cardiology Reviews. 2008 November; 3(4): 269-274(6). Review.
- Li, R. Ai, L., Khalsa, B., Cui, J., Ning, M., Sioutas, C., J. T. K. Hsiai*. Ultra-Fine Particulates Induce Vascular Oxidative via JNK Activation. Free Radic Biol Med. 2009 Mar 15;46(6):775-82.
- Sun, P., Zhou, Y. Yu, F., Parks, E., Lyman, A., Hu, C. H., Zhou, Q., Lien, C. L., T. K. Hsiai*. Micro-ECG to Study Zebrafish Heart Regeneration. Ann of Biomedical Eng 2009 May;37(5):890-901.
- J. Zhu, X. Qiu, J. Oiler, C. Yu, T.K. Hsiai, E. S. Kim, and H. Yu, Localized cell lysis using self focused acoustic transducers. BioSensors and BioMicrosystems. Transducer 2009. Proceeding.
- Ai, L. Yu, H., Paraboschi, A., Li, R., T. K. Hsiai*, Optimization of Intravascular Shear Stress Assessment. J of Biomechanics. 2009 Jun;56 (6):1755-64.
- Ai, L., H. Yu, S. Hale, W. Dai, R. A. Kloner, T. K. Hsiai*, Real-time intravascular shear stress in rabbit aorta. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2009 Jun;56(6):1755-64.
- Li, R, Rouhanizadeh, L. Ai, W. Takabe, T. K. Hsiai*, Shear Stress Regulates Mitochondrial Membrane Potential: Implication of MnSOD. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Oct 16;388(2):406-12.
- Ai L, Hsiai* TK. Spatial mapping of real-time quantitative shear stress with vascular oxidative stress. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009;1:6557-9. Proceeding.
- Takabe, W., Li, R., Yu F, Li A, Berliner, J., Hsiai* TK. Oxidized LDL-Activated JNK Regulates Mn-SOD Ubiquitination: Implication for Mitochondrial Redox Status and Apoptosis. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2010;30:436-441.
- Yu F, Li R, Parks E, Takabe W, Hsiai* TK, Electrocardiogram Signals to Assess Zebrafish Heart Regeneration: Implication of Long QT Intervals. Ann Biomed Eng. 2010 Jul;38(7):2346-57
- Syed O. Masood, Stephen L. Wasmund, Nazem W. Akoum, Marlene J. Egger, Tzung Hsiai, and Mohamed H. Hamdan. The Effects of Rate and Rhythm Control on Blood Pressure and Antihypertensive Drug Usage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Hypertension Enrolled in the AFFIRM Trial. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 2010 Apr 29.
- Li R, Ning A, Majundar R, Jen N, Takabe, W, Sioutas C, Hsiai*, TK, Chemical compositions in ultrafine particles emitted from diesel engines induce vascular inflammatory responses via NF-kB signaling. Particles & Fiber Toxicology. 2010 Mar 22;7(1):6.
- Li R, Ning Z, Cui J, Sioutas C, Hsiai TK*, Ultra fine particles emitted from diesel engine modulate vascular endothelial cell permeability: Implication of ZO-1 Expression. Toxicology Letters. 2010 Sep 1;197(3):163-8.
- Yu F, Huang J, Alderz K, Chen JN, Hsiai* T. Evolving Cardiac Conduction Phenotypes in Developing Zebrafish Larvae. Zebrafish. 2010 Dec;7(4):325-31.
- Ai L, Zhang L, Dai W, Shung KK, Hsiai*, TK.. Real-time Assessment of Flow Reversal in an Eccentric Arterial Stenotic Model. J Biomechanics 2010 Oct 19;43(14):2678-83.
- Yu F, Edington C, Cheng, N, Yu, H, Kim, ES, Hsiai*, TK. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Study Vascular Oxidative Stress. Ann Biomed Eng. 2011 Jan;39(1):287-96. PMID:20652746
- Yu F, Ai, L., Dai, W. Rozengurt N., Yu, H., Hsiai*, TK. MEMS Thermal Sensors to Detect Changes in Heat Transfer in the Pre-Atherosclerotic Regions of Fat-Fed New Zealand White Rabbits. Ann of Biomed Eng. 2011 Jun;39(6):1736-44. PMID:21380571
- Takabe W, Jen N, Ai L, Hamilton R, Khalsa B, Darbandi F, Bressler S, Barr M, Li R, Hsiai* TK. Oscillatory Shear Stress Induces Mitochondrial Superoxide Production: Implication of NADPH Oxidase and c-Jun NH2-terminal Kinase Signaling. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2011 Sep 1;15(5):1379-88 PMID: 20919940
- Fei Yu, Xiaohu Dai, Tyler Beebe, Tzung Hsiai*, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Characterize Inflammatory Atherosclerotic Plaques. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2011 Dec 15;30(1):165-73. PMID:21959227
- Rongsong Li, David Mittlestein, Rohit Majumdar, Karen Fung, Yin Tintu, Linda Demer, Tzung Hsiai*. A Dynamic Pulsatile Flow Model to Study Calcific Atherosclerotic Plaque Destabilization via OxLDL and Monocytes-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase. Am J Physiology: Cell Physiol. 2012 Feb;302(4):C658-65. PMID: 22031601
- Fei Yu, Yu Zhao, Xiaohu Dai, Gu Jie, Neil C. Chi, Yuchong Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai*. Flexible Microelectrode Arrays to Interface Epicardial Electrical Signals with Intracardial Calcium Transients in Zebrafish Hearts. Biomedical Microdevices. 2012 Apr;14(2):357-66.
- Rongson Li, David Mittlestein, Karen Fang, Tyler Beebe, Katherine Qingley, Judith Beliner, Tzung Hsiai*. Angiopoeitin-2 Modulates Survivin Expression in OxLDL-Induced Endothelial Cell Apoptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2012 Jan 6;417(1):619-22.PMID: 22182412
- Rongsong Li, David Mittlestein, Zhi Ning, Tintut Yin, Constantiono Sioutas, Mohamad Navab, Tzung Hsiai*. Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles Promote Vascular Calcification via the NF-κB Signaling Pathway. Am J Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2013 Feb 15;304(4):C362-9.
- Fei Yu, Juhyun Lee, Nelson Jen, Xiang Li, Qiang Zhang, Rui Tang, Qifa Zhou, E.S. Kim, Tzung Hsiai*, Elevated Electrochemical Impedance in the Endoluminal Regions with High Shear Stress: Implication for Assessing Lipid-Rich Atherosclerotic Lesions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013 May 15;43:237-44.
- Rongsong Li, Mohamad Navab, Zhi Ning, Payam Pakbin, Greg Hough, Kaveh Navab, Fei Yu, Nelson, Todd Morgan, Caleb Finch, Alan Fogelman, Constantinos Sioutas, Tzung Hsiai*. Ambient Ultrafine Particles Alter Lipid Metabolism and HDL Anti-Oxidant Capacity in LDLR-null Mice. Journal of Lipid Research. 2013 Jun;54(6):1608-15.
- Nelson Jen, Fei Yu, Steve Wusmund, Mohamed Hamden, Tzung Hsiai*. Atrial Fibrillation Pacing Decreases Intravascular Shear Stress in a New Zealand White Rabbit Model: Implications in Endothelial Function. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2013 Jun;12(4):735-745.
- Yunfeng Du, Melody Shen, James Hill, Payam Pakbin, Constantinos Sioutas, Tzung Hsiai*, Rongsong Li. Ambient ultrafine particle reduces vascular endothelial nitric oxide production via S-glutathionylation of eNOS. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2013 Jul 5;436(3):462-6.
- Yu Zhao, Fei Yu, Hung Cao, Honglong Chang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Tzung K. Hsiai*, Yu-chong Tai. A Wearable Percutaneous Implant for Long-Term Zebrafish Epicardial ECG Recording. Transducers 2013.
- Juhyun Lee, Mahdi Esmaily-Moghadam, Ethan Kung, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Longhou Fang, Yuri Miller, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil C. Chi, Alison L. Marsden, and Tzung K. Hsiai*. Moving Domain Computational Fluid Dynamics to Interface with An Embryonic Zebrafish Model of Cardiac Morphogenesis. PLOS ONE (in press)
- Fei Yu, Wakako Takabe, Michael Harrison, Nelson Jen, Taylor Bebee, Juhyun Lee, Hung Cao, Peidong Han, Ching-Ling Lien, Rongsong Li, Neil C. Chi, Tzung K. Hsiai*. Shear Stress-Activated Wnt-Angiopoeitin-2 Signaling Recapitulates Vascular Development and Repair in Zebrafish Embryos. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (in revision)
- Rongsong Li, Kaveh Navab, Greg Hough, Payam Pakbin, Eytan Wine, Alan Fogelman, Constantinos Sioutas, Mohamed Navab, Tzung Hsiai*. Exposure to Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles Promotes the Production of Free Oxidative Fatty Acids in the Small Intestine of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Null Mice. Environmental Health Perspectives (in revision)
- Hung Cao, Fei Yu, Yu Zhao, Michael Harrison, Juhyun Lee, Ali Darehzereshki, Ellen C. Lien, Neil C. Chi, Yu-Chong Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai*. Implantable Microelectronic Membranes to Investigate Cardiac Electrical Phenotypes in Small Animal Models of Heart Regeneration (in review)
- Fei Yu, Sarah Kim, Kirk K. Shung, Ellen Lien, Tzung Hsiai*. Microsensors to Assess Electrical and Mechanical Coupling of Regenerating Small Vertebral Hearts (in review)
- Hung Cao, Michael Harrison, Juhyun, Lee, Kirk K. Shung, Ellen Lien, Tzung Hsiai*, Biosensors and Bioelectronics to Assess Small Animal Models of Heart Regeneration. Review for Special Issue in Annals of Biomedical Engineering (in review)
- Fei Yu, Yu Zhao, Hung Cao, Juhyun Lee, John Pacella, Yuchong Tai, Tzung Hsiai*. Balloon-Inflatable Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy For Intravascular Assessment of Metabolically Active Plaque (submitted)
- Rongsong Li, Nelson Jin, David Ann, Tzung Hsiai*. Atherogenic Shear Stress Promotes Both Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Autophage to Maintain Endothelial Homeostasis (in preparation)
- Nelson Jin, Rongsong Li, Mohamed Handam, Tzung Hsiai*. Tachyarrhythmia-Induced Increased in Pulsatility Reduces Shear Stress and Promotes Mitochondrial Redox State and Autophage (in preparation)
- Hung Cao, Yu Zhao, Juhyun Lee, Fei Yu, Yu Chong Tai, Ellen Lien, Tzung Hsiai*. Wireless MicroECG Recording of Neonatal Mouse Model of Heart Regeneration (in preparation)
Additional Links/ Information:
Tzung K. Hsiai, MD, PhD
Departments of Medicine (Cardiology), Bioengineering and Physiology
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
David Geffen School of Medicine
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Tel: 310-478-3711 Ext. 41222
Fax: 310-268-3839