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News can be found on the UCLA Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases website

Recent publications - Full List on PubMed

  1. Fansiwala K, Rajpal N, Noorian S, Dua A, Chen PH, Limketkai BN. Healthcare Utilization Among Patients Hospitalized with Gastrointestinal Diseases in the United States. GastroHep Advances. Volume 2, Issue 3, P325-333, 2023
  2. Limketkai BN, Godoy-Brewer G, Parian AM, Noorian S, Krishna M, Shah ND, White J, Mullin GE. Dietary interventions for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. December 5, 2022.
  3. Limketkai BN, Hamideh M, Shah R, Sauk JS, Jaffe N. Dietary patterns and their association with symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseasesInflamm Bowel Dis. 2022 Jan 29;izab335.doi: 10.1093/ibd/izab335
  4. Saiki JP, Andreasson JO, Grimes KV, Frumkin LR, Sanjines E, Davidson MG, Park KT, Limketkai B. Treatment-refractory ulcerative colitis responsive to indigo naturalisBMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec;8(1):e000813.doi: 10.1136/bmjgast-2021-000813
  5. Lowe SC, Sauk JS, Limketkai BN, Kwaan MR. Declining rates of surgery for inflammatory bowel disease in the era of biologic therapyJ Gastrointest Surg 2021;25(1):211-9
  6. Noorian S, Jeon Y, Nguyen MT, Sauk J, Limketkai BN. The impact of NAFLD on hospitalization outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: nationwide analysisInflamm Bowel Dis 2021
  7. Saiki JP, Andreasson JO, Grimes KV, Frumkin LR, Sanjines E, Davidson MG, Park KT, Limketkai B. Treatment-refractory ulcerative colitis responsive to indigo naturalisBMJ Open Gastroenterol 2021;8(1):e000813
  8. Yelencich E, Truong E, Widaman AM, Pignotti G, Yang L, Jeon Y, Weber AT, Shah R, Smith J, Sauk JS, Limketkai BN. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder prevalent among patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseClin Gastoenterol Hepatol. 2021 Aug 11;S1542-3565(21)00864-8.
  9. Tripathi K, Godoy Brewer G, Nguyen MT, Singh Y, Ismail MS, Sauk JS, Parian JS, Limketkai BN. COVID-19 and outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Sytstemic review and meta-analysisInflamm Bowel Dis. 2021 Oct 27; izab236
  10. Dasharathy SS, Limketkai BN, Sauk JS. What's new in the postoperative management of Crohn's disease? Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
  11. Limketkai BN, Mauldin K, Manitius N, Jalilian L, Salonen BR. The age of artificial intelligence: Use of digital technology in clinical nutritionNutrition, Metabolism, and Surgery / Current Surgery Reports. 2021 Article number: 20
  12. Kelly CR, Fischer M, Allegretti JR, LaPlante K, Stewart DB, Limketkai BN, Stollman NH. ACG clinical guidelines: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Clostridioides difficile infectionsAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology. June 2021 - Volume 116 - Issue 6 - p 1124-1147 doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001278
  13. Parian AM, Limketkai BN, Chowdhury R, Godoy Brewer G, Salem G, Falloon K, Selaru F, Melia J, Lazarev MG. Serrated epithelial change is associated with high rates of neoplasia in ulcerative colitis patients: A case-controlled study and systemic review with meta-analysisInflamm Bowel Dis 2020 Dec 9;izaa312. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa312
  14. Palmer LB, Limketkai BN. Modern challenges to gastrointestinal physicians and the nutrition support team: Cautionary tales and call to actionNutr Clin Pract. 2020 Oct;35(5):855-859. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10552. Epub 2020 Aug 12
  15. Limketkai BN, Singla MB, Rodriguez B, Veerppan GR, Betteridge JD, Ramos MA, Hutfless SM, Brant SR. Levels of vitamin D are low after Crohn's disease is established but not beforeClin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jul;18(8):1769-1776.e1
  16. Limketkai BN, Akobeng AK, Gordon M, Adepouju AA. Probiotics for induction of remission in Crohn's diseaseCochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Jul 17;7(7):CD006634. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006634.pub3
  17. Myint A, Sauk JS, Limketkai BN. The role of vitamin D in inflammatory bowel disease: A guide for clinical practiceExpert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Jul;14(7):539-552. doi: 10.1080/17474124.2020.1775580. Epub 2020 Jun 16
  18. Zikos TA, Hendler S, Clarke JO, Triadafilopoulos G, Nguyen L, Limketkai BN. Reduction in hospitalizations for esophageal reflux in a decade with minimal increases in other functional and motor disordersDig Dis Sci. 2020 Jun;65(6):1661-1668. doi: 10.1007/s10620-019-05895-x. Epub 2019 Oct 16
  19. Jeon Y, Limketkai BN. Implications of dietary impact on hepatic steatosis and IBDInflamm Bowel Dis. 2020 May 22;izaa098. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa098. Online ahead of print
  20. Ungaro RC, Limketkai BN, Jensen CB, Yzet C, Allin KH, Agrawal M, Ullman T, Burisch J, Jess T, Colombel JF. Stopping mesalamine therapy in patients with Crohn's disease starting biologic therapy does not increase risk of adverse outcomesClin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 May;18(5):1152-1160.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.08.012. Epub 2019 Aug 13
  21. Chande N, Costello SP, Limketkai BN, Parker CE, Nguyen TM, Macdonald JK, Feagan BG. Alternative and complementary approaches for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: Evidence from Cochrane ReviewsInflamm Bowel Dis. 2020 May 12;26(6):843-851.doi: 10.1093/ibd/izz223
  22. Hendler SA, Barber GE, Okafor PN, Chang MS, Limsui D, Limketkai BN. Cytomegalovirus infection is associated with worse outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease hospitalizations nationwideInt J Colorectal Dis. 2020 May;35(5):897-903.
    doi: 10.1007/s00384-020-03536-8. Epub 2020 Mar 2
  23. Lechner S, Yee M, Limketkai BN, Pham EA. Fecal microbiota transplantaton for chronic liver diseases: Current understanding and future directionDig Dis Sci. 2020 Mar;65(3):897-905.doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06100-0