Drs. Rajat Singh and Vatche Agopian

The Administrative Core provides leadership and governance over the activities of the center. The foundation and success of the center rests on the ability of this core to actively engage with the executive committee, research core directors, outreach program, and faculty members of the center including satellite members at the City of Hope in Duarte, UC Irvine, and UC Davis, and external stakeholder groups interested in activities of the Center.

Administrative Core Directors: Rajat Singh, MD, MBBS, UCLA; Vatche G. Agopian, MD, UCLA

For more information, contact [email protected]; [email protected]

Services of the Administrative Core

  1. Governance over the center
  2. Coordinating and supporting the activities of the Biomedical Research Cores
  3. Regulating the allocation of funds for the Pilot and Feasibility awards, disbursement of human biospecimens to the members of the center, and coordinating the invited speaker seminar series
  4. Supporting the state-of-the-art Outreach Program
  5. Monitoring progress, and defining the long-term goals and scientific direction of the center
  6. Advocacy for diversity and the MASLD spectrum
  7. Reporting to the NIH and various stakeholder groups invested in the center