Karen Reue, PhD

The center provides for a Pilot and Feasibility Program that will support selected basic-translational collaborative research teams as well as community-engaging researchers that tackle the MASLD problem in the greater Los Angeles County.

The Pilot and Feasibility Program’s goal is to promote innovative research centered on the pathophysiology of MASLD and related pathologies in mouse models and diverse human populations. The program will support the center’s Total MASLD theme by providing a vibrant seed funding program that explores new concepts and mechanistic insights into the development of the MASLD spectrum and supports the translation of basic research to humans. The Pilot and Feasibility Program will enhance the success of these projects by providing investigators with streamlined access to expertise, technology and biospecimens through its coordination with the Biomedical Research Cores.

Calls for the awards and related information will be available on this page. Center members will also be notified via email.

  • Pilot and Feasibility Program Director: Karen Reue, PhD, UCLA

For more information, contact: [email protected]


Services of the Pilot and Feasibility Program

  1. The program will sponsor a funding mechanism that provides innovative seed awards to better understand the development, progression, prevention, and/or treatment of MASLD. The Pilot and Feasibility Program will publicize an annual call for applications; arrange for receipt and review of applications by the executive committee of the Administrative Core; provide applicants with feedback and funding decisions; and coordinate with the Administrative Core to dispense the funds. We expect to support three basic research projects annually with a maximum budget of $30,000 per project per year and one seed project annually supporting a community-clinical research team addressing a MASLD-related issue with a $30,000 per year budget.
  2. Seed awardees will be paired with center member(s) and relevant core directors to advise them on their use of one or more research cores in their research project. These interactions will facilitate streamlined core usage and optimize the performance of pilot award objectives using the resources available through the Pilot and Feasibility Program with the overall goal of advancing MASLD spectrum research.