Evaluating the Impact of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on Refractory Depression in Huntington Disease: a Case Series

Jennifer Adrissi, Neil Nadkarni, Danny Bega

Huntington disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by involuntary movements and neuropsychiatric decline. With suicide rates five times higher in patients with HD compared with the general population, there is a need for further research into the management of affective symptoms in these patients. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has long been used as a treatment for severe or medication-refractory mood disorders and catatonia… 

Community-Academic Initiative to Measure and Improve Underrepresented Group Participation in Parkinson's Disease Research (2023)

Anabel Marre, Danielle Larson, MD, Jennifer Adrissi, MD, Emily Zivin, Karen Williams, Nicola Lancki, Maxwell Edwin Shramuk 

PD clinical trial participants are disproportionately non-Hispanic Caucasian, creating limited generalizability of research findings. It is unclear why there is incommensurate rates of underrepresented group (URG) research participation; lower health literacy and lack of trust have been suggested as contributors. Community engagement through education on PD and associated studies has the potential to improve awareness and understanding of research, and in turn increase participation rates…