Research and Clinical Trials
Research and Clinical Trials

Collaborative research with UCLA’s leading interventional neuroradiology and neurovascular surgery services includes studies of cerebral angioplasty, catheter administered thrombolysis, vascular malformations, carotid endarterectomy and other conditions. Formal didactic teaching provides additional training in neuroepidemiology, outcomes research, clinical trial design, and biostatistics. Ample additional research opportunities are tailored to fellow interest and, in addition to the above, may include studies of:
- Diffusion/perfusion MRI and PET assessment of human cerebral ischemia.
- Oxidative stress in hippocampal slice and whole animal models.
- Neurobehavioral manifestations of cerebrovascular disease.
- Neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation.
Get to know one of our state-of-the-art research labs. This profile features Dr. Jason Hinman, Associate Professor of Neurology and Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Neurology. His work focuses on identifying the molecular pathways that interface the two most common neurologic disorders: stroke and dementia.
For more information, please visit our program's Research page.