Neuro-Infectious Diseases
The major goal of the Neuro-ID Program is the study of infectious diseases that affect the nervous system, with a special emphasis on HIV/AIDS, HTLV-I /II, Hepatitis C virus, and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
The major aims of our current research include the longitudinal effects of HIV and co-morbid illnesses on the nervous system, the study of the HIV viral reservoir (hidden HIV in tissues that is not eliminated by the current crop of HIV medications), and the effects of aging on long-term survivors of HIV infection. We have also participated in trials of treatments for opportunistic infections in AIDS, such as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and on the effect of hepatitis C virus (HCV) on HIV-related cognitive impairment.
In addition, the Neuro-ID division studies the causes and natural history of HIV related diseases and the nervous system. The National Neurological AIDS Bank (NNAB), a longitudinal study of persons with advanced AIDS and other serious diseases, recruits adult volunteers who are asked to have neurological and neuropsychological examinations during their lifetime, to donate blood and other biological samples during their life, and to donate their brains and other organs to research upon their death. The NNAB collaborates with scientists all over the world who are studying neurological diseases, and supplies them with these valuable samples for a myriad of research projects.
Individuals who are interested in participating in our research studies should call:
and ask for the study coordinator.Please visit our
for more information about donating tissue or requesting samples and/or data for a research project.Appointments for neurological consultation can be scheduled through the Neurology Clinic at
Giving: Your gift to the UCLA Neuro-Infectious Diseases Program makes a difference.