Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program
UCLA/OVMC Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program
Training Sites: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center (RRUMC) and Olive View-UCLA Medical Center (OVMC)
Program Director: Dana Chase, MD
Associate Program Director: Isabel Lazo, MD
The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is offering an ACGME-accredited three-year fellowship training program in gynecologic oncology at UCLA and Olive View-UCLA Medical Centers. Since its inception in the mid-1970s under the auspices of Dr. Leo Lagasse, one of the pioneers and early leaders in the discipline as well as a past president of the society of Gynecologic Oncologists and director of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the program has continued to grow and evolve.
UCLA and Olive View Medical Center have a successful Graduate Medical Education program with an excellent residency, faculty, clinical volume, research programs which support our fellowship. In 2016/17, we successfully transitioned our program from the auspices of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
The UCLA/OVMC Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program is structured to train academically oriented gynecologic oncologists, superb abdominal-pelvic surgeons, scientists and leaders in the field of women's cancer. We recruit one new fellow per year.
Fellows spend two years on clinical service, rotating at UCLA and Olive View-UCLA Medical Centers. This affords the fellows an opportunity to work and operate with 6 gynecologic oncologists, an exceptional surgical training opportunity that will expose them to the full complement of surgical techniques ranging from minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic procedures, to challenging and ultra-radical open surgeries. Fellows are also trained and supervised by medical oncology and radiation oncology faculty to receive the comprehensive training in the appropriate use and management of chemotherapy, targeted therapies and radiation therapy. Clinical fellows are involved in every aspects of patient care at both sites.
The UCLA/OVMC Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship also includes one year dedicated to research. Fellows can choose to work with one of multiple principle investigators whose research focus on various aspects of cancers biology and treatment, health services and outcomes research. Fellows can choose to work in the laboratory of a gynecologic oncology attending with an independent research program, under the mentorship of a PhD scientist working in cancer biology, or with a UCLA/OVMC health services/outcomes researcher. Fellows may also pursue advanced degree opportunities including obtaining a Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) or PhD degree or participate in the UCLA K30 program in translational investigation. The research environment and multitude of opportunities provide an outstanding platform for scientific development and mentorship for the fellow.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Valeria Montoya Ramirez
Fellowship Education Coordinator