ABOG Boards: Case List Instructions
ABOG Oral Boards Case List Instructions
If you plan to use cases from your R4 year for your ABOG Oral Boards case list, you will need to obtain the case list and a signed affidavit.
Please note: The program director is not responsible for signing off on the case list affidavit. All cases must be verified and confirmed by a Health Information Manager (HIM).
See below on how to complete this process:
- The case list process begins once you register to take the boards (after residency).
- The affidavit will be generated on the ABOG website. .
- After generating the form, email your case list and affidavit to .
- Ensure you only include UCLA cases, as HIM’s at UCLA does not have access to OV cases.
- Your case list will be reviewed and signed by a credentialed individual.
- Be sure to collect your data in advance to be ready when the time comes.
- Note: If you do not already have an existing case list, please be aware that graduates can not be granted access to EPIC.
- However, you can still access your ACGME case logs and may be able to use cases from that list, provided they are from UCLA.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the MedEd team .