Outpatient Services
Quick Reference Guide
Outpatient Services
Nuclear Medicine, Cardiovascular, Neurodiagnostics (EEG) & the GI Lab
Waiting Area
Direct lines to these units are:
Cardiovascular | ( for scheduling)
Nuclear Medicine | ( for scheduling)
Neurodiagnostics (EEG) | ( for scheduling)
GI Lab | ( for scheduling)
Outpatient Services (1 Merle Norman Pavilion)
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
1250 16th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
About Our Department
Welcome to Outpatient Services. We provide invasive and noninvasive diagnostic tests to help referring physicians develop the optimal medical plan to meet your needs. Our team of physicians, specialty nurses and other health professionals uses state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic techniques to obtain accurate, high-quality information about your medical condition. If your physician referred you to us for a procedure, you will go home afterward as none of the tests we administer requires an overnight hospital stay.
Useful Information
Our hours are Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 4:30 pm. We are closed on weekends and major holidays. Small children cannot be left unattended in our waiting area during your procedure. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please call our Outpatient Services scheduling desk.
On the morning of your procedure, please arrive one hour before your GI Lab procedure and 30 minutes prior to your appointment time for Vascular, EEG and Nuclear Medicine procedures. Report directly to Room 1401 on Pavilion Level 1. An Admissions representative will answer any financial questions and will assist you in registering for your procedure.
About Your Care
Outpatient services consists of four departments: Cardiovascular, Nuclear Medicine, Neurodiagnostics (EEG) and the Gastrointestinal (GI) Lab.
Patients under the care of a cardiologist or vascular specialist are referred to our department for diagnostic cardiac testing. We perform both invasive and noninvasive procedures, including:
- Echocardiograms to evaluate heart function, valves and blood flow.
- Exercise stress tests to identify how the heart performs during physical activity.
- Ultrasound vascular studies, which evaluate blood flow throughout the body's circulatory system.
Nuclear Medicine
Our department performs a wide range of noninvasive scans to provide detailed, high-quality images to referring physicians. The tests are usually painless and rarely have any side effects. Some tests require you to wear clothes without zippers or buttons, while others require food or drink restrictions. You will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for the tests your physician has ordered. If you are scheduled for a scan, please inform us of any special needs, such as an inability to lie flat or claustrophobia, when you schedule your appointment.
Neurodiagnostics (EEG)
Our EEG lab performs two kinds of neurodiagnostic tests for patients under a neurologist's care: electroencephalography, which records the electrical activity of the brain, and evoked potential studies, which measure electrical signals throughout the nervous system. Most EEGs require some degree of sleep deprivation, but the instructions can vary according to each patient's age and diagnosis. We will provide detailed instructions and will answer any questions about your tests during the scheduling process.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Lab
Our GI Lab performs a wide range of tests using endoscopy, a procedure that utilizes a long, flexible tube with a camera attached to produce images of organs inside the body. Some tests require fasting, bowel preparations or caffeine avoidance. Please follow the instructions you receive when you schedule your appointment, as failure to comply may require postponement of your procedure or test. If you are scheduled to receive a procedure that requires sedation, a friend or family member MUST drive or accompany you home.
Parking Options
Convenient valet parking is available weekdays, on a 24-hour basis, at our main entrance, 1250 16th Street. Parking is also available at 1225 15th Street, weekdays from 6 am to 6:30 pm. Rates are posted and available from the valets. Parking is also available in the parking structures of privately owned medical buildings at 1260 15th Street and 1245 16th Street. Rates are posted as you enter the garages and available from the attendants.
There are limited metered parking spaces near the hospital, but please carefully read the signs before opting for these spaces. If you choose not to use our valet service, please allow extra time from the parking structures to ensure prompt arrival for your appointment.