Nursing Simulation Education
The Nursing Simulation Education Program (NSEP) provides an opportunity for practicing nurses to apply knowledge and skills in a safe learning environment. The NSEP uses a variety of modalities, such as high-fidelity mannequins, task trainers, and standardized patients to optimize the achievement of expected learning outcomes. Subject matter experts develop scenarios that simulate real-life clinical situations to address the needs of individual units and to increase the validity of the simulation.
Examples of Simulation-Based Courses are TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety, an interdisciplinary team-based approach to clinical care), Simulation Instructor Training, Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nursing Simulation, Safe Patient Handling, and Neonatal Resuscitation.
The mission of the NSEP is to provide advanced education for professional nurses on current patient safety concerns, to assist with developing new competencies, and to promote self-confidence through experiential learning. The NSEP supports the mission of UCLA Health in the delivery of leading-edge patient care.
Clinical nurses can participate in NSEP or other clinical training programs. The program curriculum will be tailored to meet the nurses’ needs and can also be customized to include nursing observerships. Nurses will receive a Certificate of Participation after completion of the program.
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