Cultivating Forgiveness

UCLA Mindful has teamed up with Mindful to present this online course: Cultivating Forgiveness.

In this class, Diana Winston guides us on a journey of forgiveness - a journey that includes forgiving others as well as ourselves. Diana teaches with empathy, kindness and gentleness, encouraging us to release the pain, anger and self-blame that we may be holding in our hearts to find a renewed sense of inner release and freedom.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Deepen these ideas through formal and informal meditation practices that you can apply every day, for the rest of your life
  • Transform pain and resentment into an abiding sense of well-being and freedom
  • Understand forgiveness as a kindness to yourself, rather than an act of condoning others’ harmful actions
  • Cultivate forgiveness for others, for actions you’ve done that have harmed others, and towards yourself

Pre-requisite: Mindfulness experience is a plus, but not a must.

For Mindful Magazine price & Registration

  • Self-paced, you can begin at any time
  • Pre-Recorded Online
  • Instructor: Diana Winston 
  • No Continuing Education credits

UCLA Mindful is currently undergoing a restructuring process. During this time, additional public programs are on hiatus with the exception of our free online and in-person drop-in meditations.  The UCLA Mindful app will also continue to be available.

We hope you share in the excitement of UCLA Mindful's hiatus as we explore a number of excellent possibilities for the future.

To receive class schedule announcements, subscribe to our newsletter 

Class Notes & Policies

  • UCLA Mindful classes are educational programs, not a clinical treatment.
  • Please avoid wearing restrictive clothing or jewelry to our workshops, classes, and daylongs. Please avoid wearing heavy fragrances and perfumes as well, since this may disturb the practice of others around you.
  • All UCLA Mindful events are subject to audio and/or video recording.

Technical Recommendation: For optimal experience, we encourage you to access the course with a Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser on a desktop/laptop with secure internet connection. UCLA's online course website is also mobile responsive, so you can access it on a phone or tablet as necessary.