Natural Awareness Study Group Based on The Little Book of Being

with Diana Winston

This is a monthly study group for practitioners who wish to explore more deeply Natural Awareness and the techniques from Diana’s book, The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering your Natural Awareness. This book covers a Spectrum of Awareness Practices, from Focused Awareness to Natural Awareness, with an emphasis on Glimpse practices to access Natural Awareness in meditation and daily life. Natural Awareness is the open spacious, effortless end of the Spectrum, and can be thought of as awareness of awareness.

The study group is intended for people who wish to deepen their practice of Natural Awareness.

This six-month program will include the following:

little book of being
  • Monthly meeting with Diana to practice together, discuss themes, ask questions, and delve more deeply into Natural Awareness practice.
  • Optional Weekly Group Meditation with peers
  • Discussion board for students to share discoveries and questions with each other

Note: During the month you will be expected to be seriously practicing with Natural Awareness.

WHEN & WHERE                                                                                                                                           

When: Second Tuesday of the month, 5-7pm PST. Starting November 10.

Where: Via Zoom

Cost: $300 for 6 months, due upon acceptance. Financial support is available.

Requirements: Must have been practicing mindfulness for a minimum of two years and have had exposure to Natural Awareness or similar practices.

Application Required. Due October 19.