Patient Stories

So much of what we do in anesthesiology is behind the scenes! It's often been said that the best anesthetic experience is the one you don't remember, or have no reason to think about afterward. 

Yet we are always looking for ways to improve the experience of having anesthesia for every UCLA patient. Your comments and feedback help us continuously enhance the personalized care involved in giving anesthesia. It is our privilege to care for our patients at some of the most critical and meaningful times of their lives. 

Patient stories are so important. Every time a patient tells us about a past experience with anesthesia, that story helps us plan the next anesthetic -- either by repeating the same successful plan as before, or perhaps by avoiding a medication that previously produced an unpleasant side effect such as nausea. And nothing makes us happier than hearing from a patient who was surprised and delighted by an experience with anesthesia that exceeded expectations.

If you have a story you would like to share about your UCLA Health experience, please visit UCLA Health Connect where you can submit it for online publication.  Here's a link to a wonderful example of how a patient made our day, and delighted his entire care team, by writing about how pleased he was with his UCLA experience. And here's another heartfelt comment from a patient whose experience with a partial knee replacement at UCLA-Santa Monica Hospital exceeded expectations, allowing a return home the same day. "I will need another knee done in future, and I will definitely be returning to UCLA Santa Monica," the patient wrote. "I have always wonder how a medical center can be rated #1. The key is to hire great people. They have!"

If you would like to say thank you to someone in our department who made a positive difference in your care, please take a moment to send a "Care Compliment." It will mean so much to the person who receives it!

Patient Testimonials

Patient Stories 2

Here are some comments from patients who kindly took the time to write to us:

  • "I'd like to commend the extraordinarily kind and knowledgable surgeons . . . as well as my fantastic anesthesiologist, Dr. Chinh Mai. Though nobody hopes to have surgery, I could not have asked for a more pleasant experience." (From a patient's thank-you message to their care team)
  • "I had a near death experience to anesthesia at age ten during a dental procedure. That experience along with a lifetime of allergic reactions and sensitivity to medicines (heart rate would drop, hives, swelling of throat and eyes) often resulted in a visit to the ER or doctor's office... I met with Dr. Kamdar at the Preoperative Evaluation Clinic to discuss my concerns and ease my fears. Dr. Kamdar listened to me (the patient). He answered my many questions. He was articulate, professional and had an ease about him that made me feel my concerns mattered. Later, I had a follow-up Telemedicine visit. This visit was awesome!! I had my questions ready and Dr. Kamdar went through a list of questions, took notes and then provided me with his plan for an anesthesia cocktail to be administered during surgery and a plan for pain control after surgery. Surgery was a success and the pain management medicine Dr. Kamdar designed resulted in my pain level never reaching a level three. Dr. Kamdar followed-up on my recovery as well. He was there the entire journey and I am so very thankful."   (From a patient's online story about Dr. Nirav Kamdar)
  • "Thank you for saving my life from a cardiac catastrophe and from incapacitating brain damage...Apart from the medical success, I have been happy to meet you as a great human being, who you really are."   (From a patient's thank-you card to Dr. Karen Sibert)
  • "I couldn't have been in better hands, and your bedside manner and professionalism need to be recognized. While not sure if you're familiar with the word, in the Jewish religion your actions would be seen as 'mensch-like'...The key to being 'a real mensch' is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous. The term is used as a high compliment, implying the rarity and value of that individual's qualities. Thank you again for the extra care."   (From a patient's email to Dr. Zhuang-Ting Fang)
  • "I was your patient in 2014. I am so grateful to you for helping to save my life. My survival and recovery have been extraordinary, and it is in no small measure due to you." (From a patient's email to Dr. Nir Hoftman)