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We work as a team to provide outstanding esophageal care. Call
to connect with a specialist at the UCLA Robert G. Kardashian Center for Esophageal Health.Dilation is a procedure in which an endoscopic device is used to treat a narrowing in the GI tract. This narrowing (also termed stenosis or stricture) can be caused from a number of different disorders. Common causes include uncontrolled acid reflux, prior surgery, or prior radiation. Dilation may be performed with dilation balloon or a dilation catheter. Mostly commonly, a deflated balloon is passed through the stricture (with endoscopic and/or x-ray guidance) and then inflated to the appropriate size to disrupt the stricture and reestablish patency. Often, for severe strictures, several or frequent dilations may be necessary to achieve the goal of patency. In some refractory or recurrent strictures, dilation may need to be repeated over a long-term to maintain patency. The risks of dilation include bleeding and perforation. These risks are rare, but some conditions may elevate these risks. The risk of bleeding, for example, is elevated if a patient is taking blood-thinner medications and your doctor may ask you to adjust to hold these medications.