Resources & Suggested Reading
Find your care
Nurse midwives offer a range of services, from routine well-woman care to labor and delivery care. Call
to learn more about our nurse midwives.About H1N1 vaccine in pregnancy:
About midwives:
American College of Nurse-Midwives
Citizens for Midwifery
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
International Mother-Baby Childbirth Organization
This site includes the newly released10 steps to optimal Mother-Baby Maternity Services worldwide.
Labor and birth choices:
Childbirth Connection
Lamaze International: Lamaze Institute for Normal Birth
Outlines 6 practices that support normal childbirth
Lactation Support:
La Leche League International
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, USA
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
Infant and Child Care
American Academy of Pediatrics Website
American Association of Poison Control Centers
Safekids-accident prevention
Suggested Reading
- Your Pregnancy: week by week; Glade Curtis, MD
- The Panic- Free Pregnancy; Michael S. Broder, MD
- Pregnancy Day by Day; Sheila Kitzinger
- Every Woman's Guide to Eating during Pregnancy; Martha Rose Shulman and Jane Davis, M.D.
Pregnancy and Birth
- Our Bodies, Ourselves- Pregnancy and Birth; Boston Women's Health Collective
- The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth; Sheila Kitzinger
- Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn, revised and updated; Penny Simkin
- Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year; Robert V. Johnson, editor
- Birthing from Within; Pam England and Rob Horowitz
- The Birth Book; William Sears
- The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth; Henci Goer
- The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding; The La Leche League
- The Nursing Mother's Companion; Kathleen Huggins
- New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding; American Academy of Pediatrics
Infant Care
- Infants and Mothers: Differences in Development; T. Berry Brazelton, MD
- The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two; William and Martha Sears
- Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, Birth to Age Five; American Academy of Pediatrics, et al.
- Consumer Report's Guide to Baby Products ; Consumer Reports, editor
- The Happiest Baby on the Block; Harvey Karp
- Your Baby's First Year; American Academy of Pediatrics
- Heading Home with your Newborn: from birth to reality; American Academy of Pediatrics