Resources and Educational Material

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We provide whole-person care to maximize your quality of life. Call 424-259-8160 to learn more about inpatient palliative care services. Call 424-259-7009 to schedule outpatient services or for general questions about outpatient palliative care. 

Here you will find Valuable information to assist you in caring for Palliative and Hospice patients of all ages and offering guidance to those caring for them throughout their disease processes.

Some of the links below are PDFs. You will need acrobat reader to open them


Advance Care Planning/Communication

Decision Making Assistance

Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)



Pain/Symptom Management

  • Suggestions for End-of-Life Symptom Management (Adult)

Pain Assessment Scales

  • Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale - Validated in children between 2 mos-7yrs, individuals that are unable to communicate their pain.
  • Neonatal Pain, Agitation, & Sedation Scale (NPASS) - For use in pre-term and term neonates.
  • Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) - For use with individuals who can point to or state the number that reflects their current pain level.
  • Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (PAINAD) - Validated in older adults with dementia or cognitive impairment who are unable to reliably communicate their pain.
  • Pain Assessment Tool for Non-Cognizant Adults
  • Verbal Descriptor Scale (Pain Thermometer) - For use with any patient, especially those with moderate to severe cognitive impairment.
  • Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale - For children over the age of 3 who can point to the face that reflects their current pain level.


Critical Care



  • End-of-Life Care Research Program - University of Washington School of Medicine.
  • Innovations in End-of-Life Care - An international journal of leaders in end-of-life care.
  • National Palliative Care Research Center - Committed to stimulating, developing, and funding research directed at improving care for seriously ill patients and their families.
  • Spotlight on End-of-Life Research - National Institute of Nursing Research.