Request a Copy of Your Imaging Study
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Request Your Imaging Study Images (CD/Download):
Request your images online
As a patient you can now submit a request for a copy of your images online using your myUCLAhealth account. For easy how to instructions with screenshots, click
.Request your CD in person at any UCLA Health Radiology location.
Patients can go directly to many UCLA Health Radiology locations* (regardless of where you were originally scanned) to request a CD in-person during business hours. (*Not Available at 100 Medical Plaza, 300 Medical Plaza, Culver City, Malibu, Marina Del Rey, Woodland Hills) Please see our
to find the closest location near you.- Patient will be asked to show ID and fill out the release form.
- If someone else needs to request the CD on your behalf, please fill out the
- Patient Name, Birth Date, and Medical Record Number
- Patient contact phone number
- Patient signature
- The description of the study requested
- Name of the person picking up the images should be included on the authorization form. These types of request will be verified and will require person picking up the images to show ID and signature in person.
. Please include the following information: - The process takes typically 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the number and imaging size of the studies.
You can request your CD to be mailed to you, or transfer the images electronically (via LifeImage, a cloud-based PACS image sharing platform) to you or a healthcare organization:
- Fill out the
Please include the following information:- Patient Name, Birth Date, and Medical Record Number
- Patient contact phone number
- Patient signature
- The description of the study requested
- Patient complete address including suite number and zip code
. Do not use the fax or address on the form, please use the fax or address below. - Fax or mail the completed form to:
- FAX: (310) 825-3205
- Mailing Address:
Image Management, Release of Information
200 Medical Plaza
B1- Level, Suite 165-11
Los Angeles, CA 90095-78305
- To validate the request and coordinate pickup, call the Imaging Library at (310) 825-6425
- The Image Library reserves the right to comply within 7-14 business days of receipt of a signed authorization.

Radiology Imaging Library
- Phone: (310) 825-6425
- Fax: (310) 825-3205
- Hours of Operation:
8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Mon - Fri - 200 Medical Plaza
Suite B165-11
Los Angeles, CA 90095