Liver Transplant/Surgical ICU
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Our skilled respiratory specialists support you throughout your treatment. To schedule pulmonary function tests, call 310-794-9721.
Surgical ICU at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
The scope of service for the Liver Transplant / Surgical ICU includes, but is not limited to, adult liver-, kidney-, and bowel-transplant patients; head and neck surgical patients; and other surgical patients requiring intensive care.
Respiratory Therapy is an integral part of the multidisciplinary, comprehensive approach to patient care, providing all modalities of respiratory care. These include breathing treatments, oxygen delivery, hyperinflation devices, ventilator management, and delivery of special gases such as nitric oxide and helium.
Some Respiratory Therapists are also trained in Integrative Urban-Zen therapy, which addresses patient pain, nausea, anxiety, and insomnia. This therapy includes yoga movements, Reiki, guided relaxation, and essential oils. The service is provided upon a patient’s request or upon the recommended of the patient’s caretaker.