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Restless Leg Syndrome Keeping Millions Up At Night
Dr. Alon Avidan, CBS Los Angeles, May 2012
illions of Americans are being kept up at night by a painful syndrome that's often misdiagnosed. Restless Leg Syndrome affects up to an estimated 20 percent of the population nationwide. It's a condition that can be excruciating - something 74-year-old Eugene Jones knows too well. Jones has suffered from the condition for approximately 10 years, and has since sought help from UCLA's new Sleep Disorder Center in Westwood. "This is not uncommon to see in patients with pretty severe restless legs," said Dr. Alon Avidan, the director of the Sleep Disorder Center, as he demonstrated by hitting his legs.
Zeo Sleep Manager, SleepTracker try to wake you when it's best
Los Angeles Times, May 2012
Zeo Sleep Manager uses a headband that tracks brain waves. SleepTracker uses a watch to detect movement. Some sleep scientists question their accuracy.
Sleep Disorders Update
Dr. Ravi Aysola | Feb 15, 2012
What is Sleepwalking?
Dr. Alon Avidan explains what happens when you sleepwalk.
Daylight Saving: How Time Change Affects Our Health
Huffington Post, Jan 2012
Story about how time changes affect sleep patterns and health.
8 Home Remedies for Restless Legs Syndrome
EverydayHealth, Dec 2011
In addition to medication, lifestyle changes and drug-free treatments can provide restless legs relief. Read about home remedies that may surprise (and help) you.
Sleepy Wife May Take It Out On Hubby
NBC's, June 2011
Why women may suffer more often from insomnia than men.
7 Sleep Disorders: What’s Keeping You Awake?
Reader's Digest, May 2011
Learn about the most common sleep barriers and discover strategies for getting the good night's sleep you deserve.
Naps Can Fix for Sleepy Controllers Problem
KABC-7, April 2011
KABC-Channel 7 story about the importance of sleep and health benefits of short naps.
Snoring Surgery Is One Couple's Dream Come True
ABC News, Feb 2011
ABC News Good Morning America segment about a device used to control snoring. Tanya Rivero reveals a new technique that could solve a common marital problem.
New non-alcoholic downers to get you off the caffeine buzz
Marketplace, July 2010
National Public Radio's "Marketplace" show about over the counter, non-alcoholic beverages that are supposed to help you relax and unwind.
Exploring 10 Popular Sleep Myths
ABC News, May 2010
Every day almost every person on earth sleeps, yet many questions remain about this state of suspended consciousness and what it actually accomplishes.
Reading on iPad Before Bed Can Affect Sleep Habits
LA Times, April 2010
Sleep experts say using the iPad before bed can affect sleeping habits unlike most other e-readers.
BLOG: A Daughter and her Family's Attempt to Bring Light to REM Sleep Behavior Disorders (RBD)
Food Aggravating RBD?, Blog 2008
My dad was advised by Dr. Avidan to give up all caffeine, which has done, included his beloved Mocha Chip Ice Cream.